PART 1: Moving

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"Mom! I don't want to go!"
"You have to sweetie, now go pa-"
"I won't!"
"Ugh...I'll do it then"
I got mad that we are moving away from California, all the memories me and my family had here, they are disappearing by depression! I can't think things over now, I have things to do! What am I ganna say!
"Mom, can I stay one more day in school?"
"Sure, sweetie"
Yes! Now I can say bye to my friends's sad at the same time, I wonder what they will think, well I got to go there first.

Mea packed her stuff but let some for tomorrow when she goes to school, after her mom left her room, she kept thinking about the memories they had through her life in her hometown, she had friends that loved her, a family that was more focused on her than just moving.
*sight* wish I was back with the meadows....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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