Were is Nash

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  Nash's POV


" Hey Nash ", I said to myself in the mirror, " today is going to be a great day for you". As I said that I herd knocking on the door. I yelled," I'M COMING,HOLD ON", I yelled because I was upstairs. The knocking didn't stop. I yelled again, "HOLD ON"! The knocking wouldn't stop, at first I thought it was my father,but this was not like my father nor any of my friends so, who could this be? I was scared. In my head I thought," if it's not my father than who could this be. I open the door with fear. " Knock, knock". I herd.


Cameron's POV


I was on my couch and the TV was off, so I was bored. I decided to call Nash. The phone said, " Please leave a message after the beep". Beeeeeeeeeeep. I herd. I said, "Sup man, were are you, so pick up your phone and tell me bitch. Okay don't tell me". I hanged up the phone. I am so lucky it's the summer, I said in my head. "Wow, it's so boring, I will just go to his house". I arrived at Nash's house and the door was wide open. I rushed in and found a little bit of blood. My heart was pounding what happened, were is he, who did this, all these questions couldn't stop running through my head!

I ran up stairs as quick as I could but he was not there,so where is he.I try'ed the back." More blood"! My heart was no longer pounding it was racing. I felt like my stomach was being punched. I felt something come up through my stomach. Then it came out of my mouth, I through up. I fell down on my knees. I sat down and put my hand on my mouth. In disbelief, my eyes widened. "N-N-NO I-I-it CAN'T B-BE"! My hand moved from my mouth. Tears filled my eyes and they began to fall. I wiped them away, but they kept running and I kept wiping. I then stopped wiping cause the tears wouldn't stop flowing.

I ran into his restroom and said," I will find you, no matter what". I ran down stairs and grabbed a knife from the kitchen and yelled " NNAAAAAAASSHHHH".


I'm sorry that I left you at a cliff hanger and that the story is short.

Magcon Boys : Nash And Cameron/CashOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora