Lost & Found

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WARNING!!! The video is a bit violent and gross!

When emily was a small girl, she had a best friend called Hannibal. But one day he had to move to a different continent of France with his family.

*The day Hannibal leaves*

"Do you really have to go?" Emily said sadly clinging on to Hannibal for dear life not wanting him to go.

"Yes I do Emily but when we are free from those horrible men I promise I will come back for you" he smiled at her, Emily looked down for a moment thinking then looked up again and stared into his eyes.

"Ok, but take this it will help you remember me." She gave him a bracelet that she made the other day.

*Present day*

Emily is still waiting for him, she knew he would keep his promises just like the other times.

"Emily tea dear!" The brunette was taken out of her daydream by her mother calling up the stairs to her.

"Im coming!" She calls back. Emily races down the stairs to see her mother and father, both on opposite sides of the table

It was silent, as always so she decided to brake the tension.

"Papa did you hear about the new investigation! I know you wouldn't want to miss it, maybe we could go th-"

"EMILY! that is ENOUGH of this stupid talk about a crime scene, it is NO place for a young woman like you now stop with this pathetic talk!" Her father shouted at her his french accent showing very strongly, her mother just sat there silently.

Emily started at him for what felt like a long time. Then she grabbed her coat and stormed outside without another word.

It was snowing, she ran and ran; trying not to slip on the slippery surface to the place she knew best, to the place of an old friend, the Lecter family's old home.

When she is upset or having a tough time she comes here, and just sits and crys hoping he would come back soon, he promised her he would, sometimes she gives up hope and doubts he will ever come back.

A while later her ears picked up to some foot steps crunching on the snow, but she stayed put on the step crying. "Hello?" And mans french accent spoke.

She suddenly stopped crying and not look like the weak woman she is and replied shakily. "H-h-hello"

"Why are you out here all alone in the freezing cold?"

"Just a disagreement with my family that's all, I always come here when im down it helps me like my old friend used to help me, but he left long ago." She looked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I came here to see the old site's of this old place"

"It is has gotten very- I don't know weird around here, like there is so much muder and death." at that moment she sees a bracelet and has a flashback of her giving that same one to Hannibal. Why has he got that? What has he done to her best friend?

Emily with all her strength she punches him in the face and while he's in shock, she pushes him in to the wall.

"What have you done to him!"

Confused the man replys. "What are you talking about?!"

She takes his arm and shows him the bracelet. "Speak!"

"I got it form a friend when I was young and I had to run away from the Germans, she was the only one who actually understood me! Her name was Emily!" he said quickly.

Emily let go of him, they both stared into the eyes of each other. "Hannibal?"


She nodded and Hannibal picks her up and swings her around Emily squeals with happiness and he puts her down.

"You came back for me!" Emily smiles

"I always keep my promises." Hannibal brushes some hair out of her face she blushes a scarlet red. "Still blushing?"

The brunette nodded, Hannibal leans in and they kiss.

They go back home and and Hannibal talks about all that has happened to him over the years and Emily tells him her story too.

I really loved creating this, I really hope you enjoyed reading it. So yeah as I said hope you liked it and COMMENT and VOTE I would really appreciate it.

I own nothing!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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