Vol.1: Tahara brotherhood

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[ Prologue. ]

"When thing's don't go the way they should many people turn away without batting an eye. But for me, that's a different story. Whenever i see something, all i can do is try to fix it. And yet the real reason I lost so much is because of me trying to fix things. As of now, being apart of the Tahara Brotherhood has gained me access and power I need to fix this broken, cruel, and rotten world. For the better of humanity.. i will defeat the Genwas. Those monsters took away everything and I won't stop until I kill them all. Even if that means becoming one myself.. " ~  Naohiro Matsuki

[ Prologue End. ]

Over the mountain pass of Hanako,  a tall castle like building in the shape of a skyscraper could be seen, along side of four box like buildings aside of it. That building was known as the infamous Tahara research facility. It contained numerous of elites who were from noble families brought in from an invitation, bribe, or privilege by the Tahara Brotherhood. Elites had better survival rates for the brotherhood to continue their experimentation of Genwa blood on humans.  And because of that, Genwa experimentation continued on Kasumi-jima. Most experiments resulted in allowing a human host to be able use Genwa magic abilities. These types of people were known as 'Genwa tamers'. Each tamer have their own unique ability by a separate Genwa. Sorta like a contract. However, the Tahara brotherhood did not treat the elites to fancy meals. Instead it was more like a prison or an orphanage. Other than nobility, the facility allowed orphans in the mix of elites but many resulted in deaths. Henceforth the Tahara Brotherhood kept  the elites and some of the stronger orphans as prisoners until they could undergone 'treatment'.  In which afterwards they would be taken by either two branches of military: The Japanese Imperial Genwa Army [ J.I.G.A ] or Stationary Police [ S.P. ].  Or remain as a test subject by the brotherhood if seen as a threat. (Author note: aka failed test subjects who remain in cells because they are no longer human and in a state of being a full on Genwa)

Throughout the building no light could shed pass the tiny windows. Many yawns came from inside the place as each and every person begun to wake up at the sound of the warden's wake-up call playing throughout the building.

"Alright you no-goods, time to rise and shine! If your not in the cafe in 10 mins, you will not eat even the slightest pancake! Don't forget from there we shall give everyone an hour and a half to eat. And at long last go through some of the treatment ceremonies. Take yours smart wristwatches and your cellmate. You will need them both for this test".  A young female voice spoke. She was sitting in a desk chair in a glass room above the cell areas. She had sandy blond hair and lime green eyes had shouted into the microphone, making everyone down below cringe a little.

Around the room a lot of "Yes ma'm!!'s "could be heard. Most of the bed ridden males and females shouted back to their superior. But one elite in particular kept quiet.

Naohiro Matsuki, an elite who was adopted into a noble family because his parents had died in an accident. He had dark teal hair and two different eye colors consisting of slate blue on his left, and blood shot red on his right.

"These wake up calls are gonna drive me insane.." he said almost whining. Aside of him, another male with deep red hair and  sky blue eyes chuckled.

"it's more like you just don't wanna wake up, Nao". The other had joked. Naohiro just shrugged him off.

"Just because we are childhood buds, doesn't mean you get to pull my strings, Kouga". He glared at him across the room as the other was folding his bed sheets on the top bunk. At this Kouga just lightly threw his bed sheets over at Naohiro.

"oh come off it Naohiro, don't be so down..at least we made it this far" Kouga added, being more positive. 

The other groaned.

"You can't be serious, you never thought of escaping this horrid place..the food sucks, and the milk tastes like plastic and water!" After blowing off some steam, Kouga took back his sheets and laid them back onto his cot. He thought about what he said "Well..it's kinda impossible. The Tahara Brotherhood is a fortress" Kouga sighed as he put his hand on the scanner to be allowed out "Only an idiot like you would want to escape such a place" putting more salt to his wound, Nao followed him out "..well it was just a dream..a crazy and unrealistic dream.." Naohiro frowned. "I'm not saying it isn't possible. " The red headed boy smiled as the two rushed to the cafe.

Many of the elites were already there eating and stuffing their faces.  Naohiro turned to hear a girl's voice call out to him. He let out a sigh. A girl with short yellowish-pink [peach] colored hair and purple eyes waved over to the two who came slightly a few mins after the call.

"Hey Naohiro, Kouga! Come sit with me, I already saved you your rations for today!" She announced in a bubbly tone.

Everyone had begun to laugh at the two, because not only did the girl save them their food but she had jokingly hand tossed them right into their faces.

"Oh my, it seems I'm quite the klutz today! whoopies!" She sarcastically said while holding her sleeve to her face with a grin.

Annoyed. Naohiro chased the girl around shouting at her.

"TERUYO! why do you insist on being a pain in my ass!?"

She shrugged and dodge all his movements swiftly.  However the fight didn't last long as the warden made herself present. Smacking the both of them to the floor.

"Please be sure this doesn't happen again, or I will put it on your records" She said with an emotionless face and stern look at them both, and then looked to Kouga, who stood nervously and shook his head in agreement that he will make sure it doesn't happen again. 

Hours pass, and Naohiro and Kouga got a refund on their breakfast on tab by Teruyo's benefactor. Back in the cell lobby, she apologized for her energy level but she was so excited to see such interesting people, and been wanting to know more about them other than in roll call.

"It's fine. But if you slip up something like that again..who knows what the warden or the higher upss will do." Naohiro mentioned a bit concerned. Kouga looked to his friend with a nod "You understand right Teru?" The girl nodded. "So you don't mind if we are friends than right? I mean you guys have the larger cell that has a separate corridor. So I can practically live there!"


Naohiro went quiet. He had no words but pure rage, but he was stopped by Kouga.

"I got no problem with being your friend, but Nao might.."

The girl reached into her pocket and waved around a map of the Tahara Brotherhood. "ooh? and what do i got here, an escape route,hm?" She grinned. 

"Where did you get that!?" Naohiro tried to grab at the map but every-time he would, she would smack him with full force.

"ha ha, I found it of course!" Teruyo giggled and set it down on a table. "now don't be loud because it only has to be us three who escape tonight before the treatment ceremonies"

Naohiro and Kouga looked to each other, puzzled.

"Just us..?" Kouga asked confused.

"..Yea.. i don't really get it..you could just be leading us in trap.. or one of your stupid pranks" Nao added.

As Teruyo was about to announce her true intentions lay with the J.I.G.A. to get them to safety, the automated message system was broadcasted.

"All Elite attendants report to Wing G. I repeat. Wing G. in 10 mins. The treatment ceremonies are about to begin!"

Teruyo clicked her tongue and faced them hoping for an answer but instead both of them walked out with everyone else.  She sighed and quickly followed after them.

Now the treatment ceremony will begin...

in the Next Vol. 2

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