
20 3 1

I am a old yet experienced tree

I seen the world

Its full of ugly things

You were a seedling

The wimd brought you to me

Watching you grow into the sapplimg before me

Protecting you from harsh showers

Letting you stay warm under my leaves

My branches thick but weary

Sharing my water with you

Not drinkimg it all through my roots

My life was basically you

You gave me life

From my bark to my leaves

You will always be by my side

That statement makes me sigh

Although we keep the humans alive

But they cut us down in tribes

Putting their lives before mine

As well as yours soon enough

As soon as your older

They go from loving to colder

Not remembering their oxygen comes from me and you

Its nothimg new

We always be accustomed to being used

They turn us from stong beautiful trees

To miserable pieces of paper they end up shredding and wasting

I'm telling you this because I'm older

My time is almost near

I'll be cut down bad

My stump will remain still

As you grow here I'll be watching you grow

Hoping that your fate won't be the same

As the great tree you once knew

Poems By GabbyWhere stories live. Discover now