A Normal Day At Home

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I was sitting in my room watching TV. My mom suddenly called "Cassandra, come here please." I called back "Yes, I'm coming." I got up and started walking to the living room. My parents were sitting there waiting for me. My mom said "We need to tell you something." My face got warm and thought to myself *I didn't do anything though.* "We have been thinking and talking about sending you to a boarding school." My mom said. I asked "What is the school named?" "Salesian." My dad answered. I looked at them and asked "Why am I going?" They didn't answer, but said "Your flight leaves to go to Pennsylvania tomorrow, and your train leaves from the airport to go to New York. So please pack your bags."

*Walking to my room*

I got my suit case and two other bags, a backpack and a purse. I grabbed my favorite clothing and put them into my suit case. I put my two Ouija Boards in between my clothing. Grabbed my notebook with all my stories i write and put it into my backpack. I started charging my Ipod, Ipad, and Phone. 

*Going To Sleep...*

*The Next Morning*

I got up and got into the shower. I was thinking about the boarding school and thinking about if there was any history about the building and the land. I turned off the water and got out. I started to head to my room, I got onto my Ipad and typed into google *Salesian*. Multiple things came up, I took multiple screen shots to read and take notes on the plane.  

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