Old Days Part 1

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'Emprise Ice please comes to the pits.' That annoying speaker every fragging morning at the same fragging time and it is so loud that even the people from the city of crystals could hear it.
Moans turns over and kick knockout off.
Growls 'slinger why did you push me off again. It is time to go to school.'
'I don't want to go'
'You have to'
'Remember we have to finish moving.'
'Okay.' Gets up, looks.
(Sigh) 'I am going to miss this place.'
Then another anointment went off.
'Emprise ices please get to your room at this time.'
Ooooooo who is ice'
'We will find out when we get there and help me get your brothers up.'
Then I could hear a very load scream over the speaker.
--------Time pass---------( insert lame music here)
We went to the new house. Then we saw the crazy neighbors.
'Don't make any eye contact.'
'Why' then I saw a flash of purple.
'Sky WARP come over here now!!!!!!!'
'Knockout is that the ones that was fighting over the speaker.'
I walked across the road.
'Hi I 'm slinger I am your new neighbor.'
No one was paying attention so I shot in to the air.
'Oh hey I did not see you you're so tiny.'
'I'm not that little.'
'By the way names Black ice my friend's call me ice.'
'My names Solus rip Slinger Beta Paxs while if I had any friends my name would be just slinger.'
'While welcome to the Pits of Kayon also don't worry about my brothers. They are crazy. She points at them 'Meet my brother's starscream, skywarp, Tundercraker and bumble beeee.' I looked at them all weird like they were crazy.
'I have 3 brothers that are with me and some more at the old house .My bothers are knockout, smokescreen, and kayon. My other brother bluestreak.
'who him'
'mmmmmm......ok then.....I hope you are going to my class i tech.'
'Okay I hope I do get your class.'
About 35 minutes later
School( the bitch)
'Please everyone get to class even you starscream. Also well someone please show the new student around and get her to her classes.' Skywarp came in.
'Are you the one that crashed in to my house earlier?'
'No.' he showed me around the whole school. Then I got to my first class.
'Students this is slinger she well be in our class. Just don't make her mad or she well attack. Is there any sets or questions that any one wants to ask?' the teacher spoke in a non emotional voice and wheeljack was the first one to ask a question.
'Are you single and there is a set beside me?' He blushed a put his head down. Then kicked starscream.
'Well yes I am but I'm not up for a boyfriend yet.' Arcee was pointing at me.
'Omp she is like so like not his type. Like she is so like a little snob like I bet she is like a daddy s girl.' She started turning her pen in her hand ,Then I snapped on her
'Excuse me I was raised by my brothers. I not like some people in here that thank they are all know it all's.' then the
*Whole class just shut up it was a dead silence you could hear a mouse in the corner pissing on a cotton ball *
'Okay the only set is next to Wheeljack and that one that ask you a question. If he bothers you can get ice to slap him.' I went over there and he looked up at me.
'I guess we are going to be buddies for a little while.' Ice looks at me and whispers yells in a dark voice*
'Don't even think about it.'
'Think about what?' the teacher looks at us and sighs.
'Turn to page 8 and you can work with a partner.' I raised my hand. 'Yes slinger.'
'Um I don't have a book.' ice came over and pokes me in the nose
'I have a book but I have to share it with Orion.' *Snickers* 'I think it like Orioff.'
'Okay I think I have to work like a lonely lone loner.' Then sandstorm came over. Ice walks over to him.
'He is my brother but he is ummmm a little.' She came over to me. 'He is a little GAY.'
'I'll work along.' Then his gay came out.
'Okay girl I'll just work with this sexy thing over here.'
*we both just sit there and sighed*
Class 2
*Did not know anybody in the class so I walked in the class looked then looked down. The class was little about 5 people. I see one of my brother smoke screen ran into the door because he was running in the hall.*
Class 3
It was the last of the day it was my female commander class. Then I saw Ice she was with Elita-1.
'ICE... I knew that I was going to get this class.' Then a little one came over there.
'Hi my name is Moonracer, what is yours?'
'My name is slinger I am new around this school so I really don't know any body here.'
'It's okay I'll show you around the female commander room.' Then the announcement went off.
'I need beta Paxs to please come to the wreaker field at this time.'
'I guess I will show you around tomorrow. Hey you might find one of them guys with a sexy afts. Elita came over smacks her in the back of the head* 'Moonracer dont make the new one embarrassed. She is the only one of the females that gets this chance to be a wreaker besides ice' * ice looked up and laughs I went to the wreakers' field. I saw the one that ask me that question before. He came over there*
'Hey I guess we are in home base together.' I saw little Moonracer on the other side of the field. 'I never caught your name either I guess I was not lessoning in class.
'My name is wheeljack.' Another one came over.
'Jackie please come over here and quite flirting with the femee she needs to get to her class.' I look at the green one, and start to laugh.
'I am the new wreaker.'
'Oh why were you laughing?'
'Okay this is why I'm laughing. My name is not beta it is slinger.'
Ice came on the field. Looked at me with some females following her. Moonracer ran over.
'He do have aft.' Ice called her over.
'MOONRACER.'* elita yells and ice laughs*
'What I did nothing.'* moonracer smirks *
1 hour later
*the stupid speaker went off* Please release all students at this time. *Ice popped up behind me and laughed*
'Hey can I walk with you home.'
'Where do you live?'
Where megatronexs lives'
'I am your new buddy'
'Okay but I have to go to my old home to move some more.'
We walked about a hundred yards. Then a speaker went off 'slinger paxs please report to your neighbor's house.'
You get to go to my house.'
I guess so'
Few minutes later
I was at megatrionexs house. Knocks at the door.
'thudercracker the neighbors at the door.'
'Let me see. Come in and have a set.'
'Okay.' Their house was so big and there mom came up and said.....
'Would you like something to eat?'
'No ma'am I see that you are busy with bee.'
It is okay he is not a hand full like ice and TC there twins its bad'
' heyyyyyyyyyy were that bad'* they yell at the same time'
'Where is megatron, my oldest brother that is my twin said I have to talk to him.'
'He is in the pits doing stuff like gladiator crap.' I stayed over for a while. Until there was another knock at the door. Their mom answered
'Yes young mech how my I help you.' It was knockout.
'I am here for my little sister.' Everybody looked around.
Why are yall staring at my brother?' Ice looked.
'That is your brother?'
'Yeah his name is knockout.'
' hessssssssss....sooooo..hot'

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