I am Eric

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I am a large oak tree. I have been rooted to these grounds for thousands of years. I stand tall and wise.  I have seen more than you could ever imagine. I have been the very root (hahaha, get it; because I'm a tree?) of peoples happiness. People have been betrothed, to the melodious humming of the summer wind, coursing through my branches. Small children have tied ropes around my branches. just to get that perfect splash in the river that lay at my roots.

Though I have witnessed such wonderfulness, my life has also been filled with sorrow and terror. I have seen things. Things that even the deepest pits, embedded into the darkest of pockets of your mind, could not concoct. Not even in the wildest of nightmares. 

This is my very own autobiography. This is the one that I will leave as my impact on this earth. I am writing this for you, yes, but also myself. For me to account two parts of my life in the short period of time that I have left. I will talk about the beginning of my time, and I will talk about the end.For I know that my time is approaching. As I can see the workers. The heavy set workers, with the machine that has devoured my brethren. That has left me standing here. Alone.

  So this is where I begin. 


A young man walks upon my protruding roots. He steadies himself on my thin trunk. He squints as he looks up to see approximately how much longer until noon. He let a small grin escape to his lips. His eyes danced with the reflection of running water. He walked away from me and slowly to the river. 

He waded through the warm, crystal clear water. He caught several of the salmon, with shinning scales, at a quick pace. He had a way of moving that seemed like he could be a human embodiment of this river himself. His movements were swift, and they just seemed to all flow together. He floated  through the water, and ambled back up onto the carpet of grass.

He placed his haul of fish (there were quite a few, but he 'cod' have done better!) into the vibrant greenery. He then stretched himself between me and my brother. He rested his long, lanky arms behind his head. He looked up to appreciate the gentle white clouds drifting along the vibrant burst of blue, that was the sky. The branches, combined from me and my brother, formed an elegant frame for the sky.

A half an hour or so passed before a young lady drifted toward us. Slowly, she came, taking in everything in her path. Then as she got about five trees away she sprinted at full force towards the young man. He was still looking straight up; but must have heard her running because a large smile spread across his face. The lady had a carefree smile, and her braids flew behind her. She collapsed beside him and splayed out. "I thought that I may find you here." she laughed.

He blushed profusely and sputtered out "I'm glad you did." She smiled even bigger than before. Smiling that big looked damn near impossible, but she found a way. She was the wind. Full of life, and caused rapids to the water. They complimented each other in a way that was almost

incomprehensible; but just made all the sense in the world.


A young lady drifted up towards me. I was the only tree left, of what used to be a monstrous forest. The jungle gym they had installed  years and years ago is barley used anymore. People more frequently come to take elegant photographs in the sun, hugging my trunk. Sometimes they come when it's raining. Using the tightly compacted branches of mine as an, almost, dry refuge. It's never anything that is truly lovely. It hasn't been like that for a long while.

 The young lady climbed onto the first of my branches. She made her self comfortable, and than took out her small cellular device. She tapped at her screen. She played an intricate game, full of colours and sharp turns. She was so entranced by her little portable device that she was blind to the fact that someone was stomping through the yellowed grass. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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