Chapter 1 : The Diner

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 An old man walks into the restaurant and takes a seat at the counter to ask for 2 menus for his friend when he shows up. during the process an armed robber with a knife grabs a waitress and demands for the cash out of the register. everybody starts to panic in fear. the old man stands up and says "son do you know what you're doing"? (robber)"shut up old timer and sit back down or i'll open her throat up i'm not playin". (old man)"ok then if you feel like that then if i were you i would at least have myself close to the exit just incase". (robber)"incase of what huh". while the old man had the youngsters attention. his friend he was waiting on walked up behind the robber and put a pistol to his head and pulled the hammer back. (the friend)"incase something like this happens boy. now slowly put the blade down and let the girl go".as the young boy dropped his weapon on the floor. the old man blurted out to his friend who is wielding the gun "damn gamer i thought you were gonna be late". (gamer)"shit demon you know i wouldn't let you down haha". then out of nowhere the kitchen manager comes out with a shotgun and yells "hold it right there i've already informed the police and they are coming do you understand". (demon)"trent knock it off and by the way where's the hot coffee huh". (trent)"long time no see man. you to gamer". as gamer had the boy at gunpoint. trent the restaurant manager told the young man to have a seat until the law showed up. as he sat down demon and gamer sat on both sides of him as trent brought them coffee. (trent)"hear you do demon sugar only and hear you go gamer sugar and creame". (demon)"what about our young new friend here". (trent)"what about him". (demon)"well you know how long it takes the damn law to show up when you need them to. besides maybe i'll have a lil chat with em, what do you think gamer"? (gamer)"hhu ummmmmm why not sure". as demon lights up a cigarette he asked the boy for his name."billy". (demon)"well billy what has got you driven so far over the edge to pull a stunt like this"? (billy)"i lost my job a month ago then my wife left me. i have nothing left". (gamer)"so what did you think robbing a diner was a great choice or what". (billy)"no sir i thought it would be an easy way out being gunned down as a thief". (demon)"son why do you feel like that's an easy way out". (billy)" have you ever lost something that was very special or someone and it just drove you mad". demon smiles and says "yes i have. so did that manager in the kitchen in there and our gun touting friend gamer here has to. boy all three of us has lost more than you can imagine for a lifetime". (billy)"well oldman do tell then". (demon)"ok then....well i'm gonna let you lead this story this time gamer i started last time haha". (gamer)" my pleasure"!  

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