Who You Once Were

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Ahsoka Tano stood face-to-face with somebody she never thought she would see again. Somebody who gave her a silly nickname that she so desperately wanted to be called once more. Somebody with whom she had deep, emotional connection with through The Force, even years after leaving the order. Somebody who had saved her life countless times. Somebody who would give her miniature pep-talks before battles, telling her not to be afraid, and to trust in The Force. Somebody who would sit in her chamber and help her study the horrid archives she dreaded so much, but promised her afterwards they could practice her lightsaber skills. Somebody who always believed in her. Somebody who sat with her while she was sick and restricted to bed rest; telling her all of the silly things he'd done at her age. Somebody she loved. Somebody she grieved the loss of. That somebody was Anakin Skywalker. But all of those years of grieving hadn't been in vain, for Anakin Skywalker truly was dead. Now, standing in front of her, was somebody more machine now than man. This somebody was not Anakin Skywalker. This was Darth Vader, twisted and deceived. Yet, he took something out of his pocket, and looked up to his former Padawan.

"This belongs to you."

Uneasily, Ahsoka looked what was in his hands. It was her Padawan braid. She kept silent and didn't move. Darth Vader broke the silence.

"Join me, and it will be like the old days. We'll be side-by-side, where we belong."

Startled, Ahsoka shook her head.

"I could never join you, that would mean giving into the Dark Side. I couldn't do that."


Just one simple, pleading word, yet it took her back so many years. She could almost hear the old Anakin through the deep, concealed voice the mask was creating. Ahsoka simply shook her head.

"Then take this, at least. To remember me... the old me."

He said, holding out her braid.
She neared Vader, and reached out for the braid. In one swift motion, Vader had unveiled his lightsaber. Ahsoka had no time to react before it had penetrated her chest. She looked up to him, with tears in her eyes. She could already feel herself drifting away. Her beautiful blue eyes called to him, with a sense of urgency.

"There's still good.. in you. I know it.. I - I sense it."

Ahsoka had gone limp and was barely breathing now. He scooped her up in his arms. He curled the Togruta towards his head and stroked her arm during her last moments. He had learned that it was too late. Too late to go back to the life of Anakin Skywalker. Too late to leave the Emperor. Too late to ignore the Emperor's orders to eliminate Anakin Skywalker's apprentice. Too late to save Ahsoka Tano.
He took her braid and fastened it onto her Lekku.

"Goodbye, Snips."

He whispered, voice cracking. She disappeared, leaving only her lightsabers, old master, and memories behind.

Ahsoka and Vader | Who You Once WereWhere stories live. Discover now