chapter 1

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The glowing sun sat high upon the sky, watching the people who dwell on the world below. Fluffy Clouds danced around it, as though worshiping it. Swooping swallows soared across the blue canvas; their elligant songs consuming the sky. Below an emrald forest gilisterned and basked in the beautiful rays of warmth, as its leaves whispered in the gental breeze. The forest floor was submerged in broken twigs and cruchy golden leaves from the winter just gone. And hidden deep within the forest, was a house. Well more like a mansion. Marble colloms held up the vast porch, which held a swinging bench and wind charms obvisously made by children. It was a least four stories high, big enought to home a pack. Which it did.

The cresent pack, the largest and most powerful pack in the whole of England. The alpha, Danta who was sat in his study looked as though he was carved from god him self. A defined jaw, with a dusting of dark stubble. Ebony messy hair perched upon his head and chocolate eyes that turned the girls legs into jelly. He was perfect. With a sigh he dropped the posh fountin pin back on the desk. He glanced at the document he had just been signing a peace treaty renewal. He was 25 and yet to find his mate; the person made for him. There had been talk of an arranged marriage between another pack to strength their alience, however devoted he was to his pack he couldnt give up hope of finding his mate. Ever since he was a pup he had dreamed of her, of their life together and he couldnt just give it up. He had visted every pack in England with the hope of finding her, yet he had been unsucessful and it had left a sour taste in his mouth. He yearened for her, for her touch. And yet he was denied. Suddenly, the oak door to the studdy swung open.

"Not still moping" came the irritating voice of his beta,  Danny. Danny had messey blond hair that curled upon his head and had a nack for irrating the fuck out of Danta. It often caused them to have a scrap as though they were young pups. But dispite all this the alpha couldnt live without his beta. " I just want to settle down " replyed Danta, as he stood to gaze upon the land surroundng the pack home. " i know" danny turned to the door " you coming? dinners ready" The smell of roast pork assultedhis nose and before he knew it he was following his beta down the stairs, forgetting all about the worrie of not finding his mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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