creepy crawlies

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I sat on my bed looking out the window. New neighbors were moving in so my mom wants me to bake. I always had to make some kind of treat for new neighbors or friends for there birthday. They didn't think I was very good though. Well at least until the food actually touched there mouths. Now I get paid to bake for them all the time.
"Yea mom!?" I hated it when my mother called my by my first name I preferred Katie. She only did it to annoy me of course.
"Hurry up or they will be dead by the time you make it over there." I hurried downstairs to start on cooking the baked treats. Today I planned on baking a cupcake boat. I had thought the recipe up years ago when I was maybe eleven or so. After trying many times perfect it, I finally did. I walked to my new neighbors house and sat down the platter. Adjusting the note ( that very much stated ), you are welcome. No need to thank just return the platter it's a genuine. House to the exact right of you if you're wondering. I rang the doorbell and ran. By the time I made it up to my room someone had come outside. It was a guy I had never seen in my life, well of course I haven't. Curse me for being so dumb. I walked back over to my bed and and sat down. Falling asleep I took off my clothes and sat them on the chair that always seemed to be seated next to my bed. I dozed off.


I woke up to the sound of my desk clattering. I quickly sat up stunned at what I saw. The new kid was in my window crawling out with my under wear in his hand. My eyes jolted down to my partially naked body. Good my underwear an bra were still there. I threw on my robe and ran over to my window. Just as I got there he leaped across and was back in his own house. I climbed on my balcony no shoes or anything and stared him in the eyes. A couple of dudes walked out and averted there eyes from my bare feet to my face. One dudes expressionless face turned into a smirk. I scowled. "Hey don't you go to our school........katherine right?"
"Katie" I stated obviously annoyed.
" I'm mark as you should know" he curtsies causing me to chuckle. Darn my uncontrollable humor!
"Look can I have my underwear back?" I say bluntly wanting to end the conversation and return to my beautiful slumber. All the boys started to laugh. A dude I knew as Kurt piped up.
"Really want 'em?" I nodded not so enthusiastically. "Come and get 'em" my mouth dropped.
" you're not putting me in that position! No! Never! Why!'
"Well I thought you wanted them" I got really mad at the statement. "As a matter of fact keep em. Its okay that there the only think to keep you horny. Smell 'em for all I care." I said before walking away. I could here the laughter of all the other boys. I did not want to see Kurt at school tomorrow. He will be angry at me for sure. I heard scuffling across my balcony and got angry. I unlocked the window about to scream when my cat pearl strut in. I picked her up and had her look me straight in the eye. Which she did anyway. I thought animals did that when they were challenging each other. I put her gently on the bed when she tried to push herself out of my arms. I loved this cat but she was freaking annoying. Pearl was an all white female cat. I don't really know how to describe her anymore though. She mates A LOT. Every once in a while we will keep a kitten but after they start to act up really bad we throw them out the door to fend for themselves. We have done that to pearl to, but she automatically came to my window after touching the ground. That's why I love her. She never left me. Except when mating of course which she only did while I was in school but never mind that. I went to sleep after finishing my homework for physics. I was going to kill new kids freaking guts


Hey guys! I really hope you liked the first chapter. I know it's short but I'll try to make the next one's longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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