My Blind Lover

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That's how he saw me even though his optic nerve is damaged
Because he used his phone a lot
Or that's what his mother believes
A captivating goddess
That's how he described me as when I was telling him about my day
He said he could see the sparkle in my eyes and the way I moved my hands around while animatedly speaking
That's what I told him whenever those flirtatious  and complimenting words poured out from him mouth
For I thought my words were the most dull to exist, and he was the captivating god sitting in front of me
Listening and laughing breathtakingly at what I say
Looking at me dead in the eyes even though I was sure those orbs could not see
Gazing with those beautiful wandering shaky eyes of his 
Those eyes that darkened his vision keeping him protected from the horrible view
Me and the world around me
He was blind
He couldn't see
His lense was paralyzed and cannot function
His eyes were light brown
They were never bloodshot as they were never tired from looking around to the world that he couldn't see
They were as clear as the white colour in a painting plate
He has those little crinkles at the edge of his
For he smiled and laughed for as long as I can remember
For he squinted his eyes mimicking me when I tell him about the blinding sun and how it's blocking my vision
Ironic huh?
His eyelashes were the most beautiful little hairs curving around his radiant eyes
He put all those fake eyelashes to shame with his beauty
His eyebrows were the tamest bushiest to exist
He put mine to shame and i thought they were really good
I see all of this
I see his beauty
I see his calming splendid magnificent daring gaze
I see the curve of his lense
A big circle filling that white void
Captivating any looker
Killing them with his allurement

He is blind
He is beautiful
And he is mine

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