Chapter 1: Found But Weak

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of it's characters.

"I hate this!" I scream into the full moon lit sky. I kick a rock off the roof of the building. "I have no clue what town I'm in. I don't even know how to get home!" I ruffle my mud covered blonde hair in frustration. "I'm who knows how far from home. With no money and no place to stay!" I feel my right black and my left white wings ruffle up in frustration. "Not only that but I've been turned into a damn chimera! Who the fuck's idea was it to use a raven and a Snowy Owl! Damn stupid Alchemist! To bad one of his other creations got the chance to kill him before I could get a chance to strangle him and the organization he worked for." I sit on the building's edge and hang my bare feet off the edge. "I just want to go home." I whisper. I wrap my wings around me to keep out the cold. Even with my wings' warm feathers I could still feel the cold air brushing against my one barren arm and my, right, automail arm connection port.

'I should have grabbed my coat.' I scolded myself. I pull my knees to my chest in a desperate attempt to retain body heat. 'I wish I had more than just my tank top, black pants, and this stupid black scarf.' I feel a sharp shiver course thru me, I pull my scarf over my nose and mouth knowing that someone is watching. Footsteps echo behind me. 'Crap! Don't tell me they already caught up to me!'

I take a white feather from my white snowy owl wing resting over my left shoulder. I then take a black feather from my raven wing. I clap my hands together pressing the feathers between my palms. Blue alchemic sparks escape from between my hands. I open my hands and grab the now sharp and heavy feathers by the pointed ends.. 'I have my own supply of throwing knives.' I think to myself with a smirk. I stand up slowly, listening to the footsteps, trying to to figure out where my pursuer is. Once I am sure of their location I turn towards them with lightning speed and throw my two dagger like feathers at their position. A single snap rings through the midnight air. My two feathers burst into flames.

"Who are you? Show your face, coward!" I yell even though I knew the scarf muffled my voice. The shadows are hiding my unwanted followers in its dark embrace. "I'm not going back to the hell-hole of a laboratory. So just show yourself and point me towards Central. I may also let you leave with your limbs still attached." I sneer.

"Sorry, Chimera, but I don't know what you're talking about!" A deep baritone voice travels thru the air. I feel myself freeze up and my eyes widen in surprise. I smirk.

"No way Colonel is that you? And here I thought I was going to have to actually put some effort into this fight!" I shout at him. No reply came back. "What surprised Colonel? Or have you already forgotten what I look like after 3 years?" I hear the Colonel growl in frustration.

"Who are you, Chimera?" Colonel hissed. For some reason this hurt me. Out of everyone I ever met I always saw Roy as a role model for Al, well except for the being a bastard part. Yet, here he is and he doesn't even recognize me. I shake off this depression and let the look of mischief return to my golden eyes.

"Geez, Colonel. I know you are old but seriously. Can't you at least recognize your youngest subordinate?" I drop my head and let out a sarcastic sigh.

"Youngest subordinate? Wait! Fullmetal is that you?" Roy shouts as the tiny walnut he calls his brain makes the connection. My head shoots up in mock excitement.

"You remember! That's makes me feel so happy and special!" Sarcasm is almost dripping like venom off my words.

"No need to be sarcastic! The scarf wasn't helping!" Roy argues. I let out a short laugh.

"You try spending 4 days on top of roof tops with nothing but a tank top and pants. The scarf is the only thing keeping me from catching a cold." I sneered. Suddenly the roof began to sway. 'Unfortunately it doesn't do the same for my hunger.' I hiss,mentally, as my energy begins to fade. I feel myself falling forward only to be caught by a pair of arms.

"Geez, Fullmetal. When was the last time you ate?" Roy's voice is full of concern.

"Wow Roy no need to get all mushy." I say quietly. I look up at him. His black eyes are full of concern but his face shows that he is fighting off his raging temper.

"Just answer the question Fullmetal." He orders.

"7 days." I confess.

"7 days! Ed! Were you trying to starve yourself!" Roy shouts sounding more and more like a concerned parent.

'Did he just call me by my name?' I am completely caught off guard by the usage of my name instead of my military issued code name. I pull myself together and ignore it for the moment.

"Why would I try to do that? I still have a promise to keep!" I shout. "The people who made me like this didn't feed me for the three days before I escaped and I will not steal from these people just to satisfy my own hunger." I turn away from Roy in anger. My stomach decides to choose that moment to show its disagreement with my choice to not eat. I quietly hope that Roy doesn't hear it but I guess it is too much to hope for because Roy holds a granola bar in front of my face. I look at it hungrily but also trying to not look too desperate.

Unfortunately, I am desperate. I glare at my stomach quickly before snagging the granola bar away from Roy's hand. I sit down and eat the granola bar in less than 10 seconds. I look up at Roy with a pleading glance.

"Got anymore?" I tilt my head in a pleading manner. Roy shakes his head. I feel a pout appear on my face. "I'm so hungry."

"Than why don't we take you home." Roy asks. Instant panic courses through me.

"No! I can't let Al see me like this!" I begin to panic.

"Ed!" Another shock of surprise goes through. "You can't stay here! I know for a fact you won't steal for food and that you won't go and let yourself be seen to go get food. You need food!"

"What do you propose I do?! I'm not going to go see Al! He doesn't need to see his brother like this!" I feel my energy slipping away again.

"Than come live with me." Roy said. I almost passed out right there.

'Did he just offer to let me come live with him? Crap! I don't think he's going to give me a choice considering the seriousness in his eyes. Just say no, Ed!' I sigh.

"Why? So you can make fun of me for getting captured? Or just so you can use it as an excuse to get out of your work?" I say. I try to force a smirk on to my face.

"So I can make sure you get better! Geez, Fullmetal. I can't just sit and let you starve yourself. And seeing as how you are unwilling to go back to your brother this is your only other choice. So which will it be? Will you go back home to your brother who is worried sick about you or will you come and live with me?" Roy says.

"No! I'm not going anywhere! Leave me alone!" I scream.  

*Cliff Hanger Activate*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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