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"Give it to the girl."

"What?! No! She's too young. It should be kept locked up and safe until she is ready and old enough. She'll lose it!"

"We don't have that kind of time, Aeon-"

"Then give it to her father!"

"Excuse me? No! I cannot take it. It was never my responsibility. You cannot push this onto my shoulders again Aeon! After what happened last time-"

"Enough! Aeon, keep silent. Harid, hold your peace."

"Yes, High Master."

"We must give the girl the necklace. It will be safe, do not worry. Her father will keep a close eye on her. Agreed?"


The dream echoed eerily in her head when the girl awoke. She'd had it ever since she was three years old, and now it almost seemed a real memory. She sighed wearily, and reached up to touch her neck were the Necklace rested against her collarbone as it had for the past eleven years.

She gasped. The Necklace, her only reminder of her mother, which she'd had for eleven years, was not resting on her collarbone. She ran her hand all around the base of her neck, her fingertips searching for the familiar silver chain. But it was not there.

The Necklace she had tried so hard to keep safe was gone.

The Necklace Of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now