Poor little Armin

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Shrek came walking into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, for he had just come out a shower.
He heard a familiar voice speak up while he was looking through his drawers for a change of clothes.
Surprised, he turned around, only to see his beloved lover, Armin.
"Hey babe-chaaaaan, what are you doing here?"
Shrek spoke up walking over to Armin, totally disregarding his clothes. He lightly pecked Armin on the cheek, but Armin only made a disgusted face.
"Listen, we need to talk."
Shrek looking confused said,
"I'm listening"
Armin took a deep breath before he spoke up.
"I want us to be...."
He sighed,
"I want us to be OGER! YOU ARE ALWA-"
Armin yelped, cutting himself off. Shrek had pushed him down onto the bed pinning his hands above his own head. He looked up fearfully, only to find Shrek furious. Armin struggled to get out of his grip.
Shrek started to angrily rip Armin's clothes off with one hand while the other was occupied with holding Armin's wrists together.
Shrek roared into Armin's face. He attacked Armin's neck, biting hard then harshly sucking. Only to leave large red marks onto Armin's flawless smooth skin.
"S-Shrek-kun please s-stop! I don't want this! STOP!"
Tears flowed down Armin's face as he was being touched. Armin knew that he had fucked up.
All night, Shrek abused him. Sexually and mentally. Armin now knew that he should never disobey his boyfriend, now known as his master.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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