Now what?

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Molly's POV

That Monday started off as any other would. Hitting the snooze button at least four times before even considering getting up. Showering and getting myself ready for my least favourite day of the week. Just like any other Monday...little did I know everything was going to change that day.

Going into the kitchen the first thing I notice is my mum isn't there and in her place is a note:


Had to go into work early. Probably won't be back until late. Have a great day at school.

Love Mum


I don't know why I am surprised - she is always working. Not that I don't love my mum because I know she works hard to provide for us, I just wish she would spend more time at home.

I have always thought she stays away so she doesn't have to be around me - the only thing that reminds her of my dad. He left us before I was two. I don't know why he left or where he even is now. Mum doesn't like to talk about we don't. Simple as that.

Trying to get back into my semi happy mood I decide to just not bother with breakfast. For some reason I can never eat in the morning unless I am starving. With that thought I grab my bag and head off to school.

When I arrive I go straight to my locker where by best friends are waiting for me. I have two best friends that I would probably do anything for, Tyler and Rebecca.

"Hey guys" I say to them and receive similar greetings in return.

Tyler is possibly the tallest person in our year and had brown hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen on anyone. It is safe to say he is extremely handsome, but I see him more of a brother than anything else.

Rebecca is also really pretty. She is average height and has naturally long wavy hair (which I would personally love) but she hates it and always has it poker straight. She is usually a really shy down to earth person but I think something has been going on with her recently, she has been wearing a lot more make-up hanging around a lot of the more popular people. I don't have a problem with those people - I mean my boyfriend is one of them, she just seems to be distancing herself from us.

Speaking of my boyfriend, I feel someone putting there hands over my eyes.

"Guess who..." He whispered.

"Hmmm...Ryan Gosling?" I reply. Suddenly the hands are removed.

"Really? Him? Do you think he is better than me babe?" Zach asks.

I scoff "Of course he isn't baby, you know I love you" I say giving him a quick peck on the lips. Turing back to my friends I see a look of anger cross Rebecca's face but it's gone as quickly as it came. Hm wonder what that's about.

"Well you guys are welcome to come to mine after school, mums meant to be working late" I suggest, receiving negative replies.

"Sorry babe, coach wants us to stay after school so me and Tyler will be there" Zach answers. We all then turn to Rebecca.

"I already have plans" she replies.

"That's fine, we should do something soon though" I suggest.

Everyone agrees and we head off to class as the bell goes. Me and Tyler make our way to English. Sadly.

"So, your mums working late again?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah she's been doing it a lot recently, it's not like I'm not used to it though. Just gets a bit lonely sometimes" I reply.

"Aw Molly you know your always welcome at my house. My family loves you."

"I know i'll probably come by at some point this week, I miss cute wee Jacob"

"Cute? Are you having a laugh? He is an evil five year old" he almost screams.

"Be quiet you, Jacob is amazing and he loves me! So ha!"

"Yeah whatever you say"

I laugh in response and go into the English classroom.

After school I go straight home and get into some pyjamas, I have no other plans so why not!

After finishing off the little but of homework I had I decide to make some dinner and have a movie night. So I reheat some lasagne from last night and decide to watch The Avengers - an amazing movie. I also get Iron Man 1 and 2 just incase I am not tired.

At some point during the night I fall asleep in the living room and am awoken by a loud banging. it takes me a while to realise it is coming from the door.


Okay, someone's impatient. I open the door and am greeted by two man in police uniforms. By the extremely serious look on their faces I begin to get worried.

"How can I help you?" I ask.

"Miss Baker?" The older looking man asks.

"Yes that's me, have I done something wrong?"

"You haven't done anything, we are sorry to have to tell you this but your mother was in a very serious car accident this evening and sadly she didn't make it" The other man replies.

I just stare at them in silence. Did I just hear them correctly? My mum was gone? Both my parents were gone? I'm all alone. What was I going to do? I didn't even realise that during this time tears had been streaming down my face.

"Miss do have somewhere to stay this evening before we can discuss permanent accommodation?"

I try to compose myself a bit. "Em y-yes I can go stay at my boyfriends." I reply, still trying to wrap my head around this.

"Okay would you like us to take you there?" They ask, still looking at me with pity. I hate that look.

"Emm no, I will be fine he doesn't live that far away, thanks though for the offer" I say trying to get rid of them so I can be alone.

The look at each other before nodding. "Okay then, we are really sorry miss" the older man says before starting to walk away.

I nod even though they have their backs turned. Closing the door, I slowly slid down to the floor putting my head in my hands as I continue to cry. My mums gone. And I will never see her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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