The Shadow People

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She took in her surroundings, observing what she would soon call her home. The house was a fixer-upper, that was for sure. The two-story brick house had chipped bricks, probably due to the age of the house. It was built a little over eighty years ago, and it was only remodeled once about fifty years ago. The structure of the house was built well, nevertheless. She had decided that she would start off fresh in a new town, with new people, new house. Things would be different this time. As her last house was haunted, so she believed. Sam had thought she was just hallucinating, until he saw it for himself. A tall black shadow figure, just waiting at the top of the stairs for us. Sam and I have recently gotten engaged, so we got out of that house as quickly as possible. We planned to have children, and they couldn't be in such a environment. She sighed and took in a deep breath and started towards the house, hearing the crunch of the freshly fallen snow under her scuffed black converse sneakers. She opened the door and it creaked open with a eerie sound, as if the rotten wood of the door was trying to speak to her. What she saw next made her scream in terror, causing the house to mimic her in echoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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