getting cozy

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I couldn't believe it.

My idol was standing RIGHT THERE.

Dan Smith was up in stage, singing his heart out right in front of me! It was exhilarating to say the least. I never wanted it to end...


I was standing outside the backstage door, shivering in the cold autumn breeze.

What the hell was I thinking? It was the middle of the night, I was all alone, and I had to be at work tomorrow morning. All the screaming fangirls had left before midnight, one by one-in a sad domino effect. But no, not me. I was determined to meet him. I had to.

I turned to leave when I heard the door open, and promptly froze. This was NOT happening. Oh my god, it was Dan, his face flushed, with that amazing smile on his lips.

"Hi," he said, with that beautiful, kind smile growing by the second, "I'm Dan. And I saw you in the front row tonight, if I'm not mistaken."

"Um...yeah...hi," I squeaked out, "Kate...I'm Kate. Can I have a picture with you, if it's okay?"


I fumbled around in my bag, and managed to find my iPhone without anything embarrassing happening.

I positioned the phone at arms length, having a little trouble fitting the both of us in the frame.

"Here," Dan said, "Let me help."

He took my phone and snapped a couple pictures of us. He looked amazing in all of them, needless to say. I tried my best to look good. I wasn't exactly photogenic, and still pretty starstruck.

"Thank you so much Dan!" I exclaimed, giving him a big hug. Feeling a bit bolder, I whispered "I love you" into his shoulder.

"What was that?" he asked

Oh god he heard. Oh god oh god.

" just was..."

"Haha it's alright love. Here, my number, if you ever feel like sharing that thought" He handed me a slip of paper, after hastily writing his number down. I took it with shaking fingers, shoving it into a safe pocket in my bag.

"Listen," he said, "I'd love to talk to you again sometimes."

His blue eyes were mesmerizing, to say the least. I could feel my blush coming on, and knew I was probably smiling like an idiot.

"Okay," I whispered.

"It was nice meeting you, Kate," he said, awkwardly pulling me in for another hug. "Whenever you have time, I'd love to talk."

"Yeah, to you soon?"


I sat on my couch, nervously tapping my thigh as I wondered what to do. On the coffee table in front of me, my phone and Dan's number were waiting. I didn't even know what to say to him. I'd never called a guy in my life, never flirted, never had a boyfriend. I was a nervous wreck, but I punched Dan's number in and hit call. I realized that I was alone in my apartment, something that I still haven't gotten used to, so I hit loudspeaker too. I sank back into the couch and listened anxiously to each ring.


"Um...hi's Kate, the girl from your concert last night? You probably don't remember me..."

"Oh, hi there! How could I forget the beautiful girl I met, the one from the front row?"

My mind went blank. No one had ever called me pretty, much less beautiful.

Overjoyed-Bastille/Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now