Chapter 1 New start

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[I do not own any of the characters or Fairy tail.]


~Lucy's POV~

After leaving the mansion and taking some money, I stumbled upon the town magnolia known for its reputation due to the high school there known as fairy tail, I didn't have much money but enough to rent an apartment at 70,000 jewel, luckily for me when I left the mansion there was money stored in my fathers desk which I happened to steal, I didn't want to steal from him but had no other choice as I knew I had to leave, I just couldn't take the pain any more.

In my apartment there were usual household items unlike in my old home, it felt different, but nice and comfortable. At my age being 16 I left my new home and ventured into town, looking for whatever job was available, I somehow ended up in front of Fairy high and to my surprise they not only provided education but jobs too for days when school wasn't on.

I looked at the signs near the front gate and was reading what the school provided, I felt a presence behind me and slowly turned my head, it was a girl with blue hair, she then asked me "Are you looking to join Fairy high?" I hesitantly replied "I'm not sure yet" "Well I go here and its quite comfortable and friendly, by the way I'm Levy" "I'm Lucy" "Well if you ever change your mind come tell me, I'm usually wondering around the campus or around magnolia itself" I nodded and thought to myself as she walked away, She seemed nice, but should I really attend?

 The next day

I had decided that I would attend Fairy high, I walked around the campus to find Levy reading a book, I stood beside her asking what she was reading with a smile "Notes from science class, So have you decided to join?" "Y-yeah." I said nervously, it was the first time I had gone to school with others because at my old home my tutors were private hired ones. Levy giggled "What?" I asked curiously "No need to be nervous everyone here is mostly friendly" I took the 'mostly' in to account of what she said, she then dragged my wrist to the reception, asked for a form for me to fill.

Once I had filled it in she escorted me to the headmaster known as Makarov, we arrived and went through the door, he was drinking alcohol and his face was flushed "welcome to Fairy high, in this school you learn magic and basic education, but are also given the chance to earn money, here we respect each other and show kindness, apart from that you will have your own dorm room and the classes assigned here" He handed me the paper and I thought to myself.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I just rented an apartment and there's free dorms here!!!!! Ugh, I let out a sigh. "Levy would you show her around?" "I would sir but Mrs Strauss asked for me to help her organize books in the library" Thats when a girl with red-scarlet hair walked in "Here's the documents you wanted" She stated in a kind manor, I starred at her for a few minutes admiring her beauty "Will you show this young lady around" The red-headed girl nodded, Levy had already left.

We walked out of the room and she didn't look all that happy with having to show me around, but I followed anyway, I starred at her without thinking if she would notice or not, I didn't realise this, It was like my whole world had been filled in a scarlet colour.


This is my first story so I'm sorry if there isn't much interaction or too much writing, but thx for reading and the next chapter will be out at some point >.>

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