Hold my hand, Goten."

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Hold my hand, Goten." Chichi ordered.

The young Chibi did as he was told with inner protest that he was not a little kid anymore. After all, just last month he was half responsable for stalling Majin Buu long enough for Gohan to arrive, but he kept his mouth silent, for it was unwise to anger his mother. This would have been easier then usual, because the wife of Goku was now having to look after THREE hungry saiyans.

Chichi grabbed a cart and looked down on it in discust. With a relativly small cart it would take several loads for the shopping to be done. Goten surpressed a smile at the thought of his mother cooking up enough food for a small village, then having to wash the dishes while yelling at Goku to help, and telling Gohan to get to his studies. As for Goten himself? He got to go out and play. Ah, youth had major advantages.

They made thier first stop at the deli. Chichi looked at the line, sighed and walked up to a strang device, which she took something out of. She moved on, but Goten remained by the small device. "Please take a ticket" it read.

Goten looked around to see who the thing was talking to. He was the only one around. So he climbed up on the counter and grabbed a ticket. After clambering back down, he saw printed in bold numbers, "39".

"That's strange," he thought, casting a curious lok at the machine. He saw it was still telling him to take a ticket. Again, making sure it was he to whom the machine spoke, he clambered up and pulled out a new one. "40".

Behind the transfixed chibi, Chichi began her order and the temporarily shocked clerks scrambled around to complete the large order. They didn't even notice Goten.

He obeyed the machine once more and pulled out another number, "41", and started to get angry with the machine.

"So this is your game, pull innocent people in and make them take tickets the rest of there lives. I cannot allow this, you Evil Ticket Machine of Doom!"

With this though Goten transformed into the legendary warrior of the saiyan race and, with his hands to fast to see, began pulling out tickets by the fist full. However, no one paid any attention to the crazed kid as several forklifts came out with meat to comply with Chichi's order.

"You have to run out of numbers at some point you villian!" He though, shoving the tickets into his orange gi, "I will take them all from you, and you will never make innocents suffer! Your crime spree is over!"

"Goten!" His mother called, not even looking at her son, "Let's go, the king wants his food."

Goten discretly shoved the last handfull of tickets into his gi, which was full of the numbers.

They walked away (Chichi commenting something about him filling out his clothes to much and diet) as the pimply faced teenager called over the intercom, "#39?"

"#39" one women complained, "I have number 7594!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I have to serve everyone else first. Number 39?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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