Chapter One

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"Nicolina, can you please just take them to the beach?" My mother peaked her head into my bedroom door. My mother and I were very close but she was always closer with the boys. I have three younger brothers. Parker and Jackson are my thirteen year old twin brothers. More like pains in my ass but that's just my opinion. Stephan is the youngest and possibly the cutest thing ever. He's only one and a half but the sweetest out of the bunch. 

"Yeah, when do you leave?" I looked up from my book and made eye contact with my mother. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a messy bun on top of her head and there were big dark shades covering her eyes. 

"Um right now." She laughed before entering my bedroom. She was in her typical blue scrubs leaving most of her tan skin hidden and some white vans. She kissed my forehead and give me a quick squeeze. 

"Thank you honey! Have fun!" She rushed out of my bedroom and right before I heard the front door close she shouted out. 

"There's money on the counter!" 

I threw my head back onto my pillow before getting up. I had to take all these brats to the beach which meant, I had to look decent. I put on a yellow sundress and a jean jacket with some black flip flops. School was going to be starting back up in a month or so. 

"Boys! Get ready, we're leaving in ten!" I walked to my bathroom to touch a few things up. I brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in some messy bun. 


I got Stephan into his car seat and then forced the twins to sit with him. Which left me alone in the front seat. I played some Drake as we made our way to the beach. The boys were snapchatting each other and me jamming out to the music. 

"Boys! What do you want to stop for food on the way home?" Theirs eyes widened. My brothers were huge fast food addicts. It was a bit sad but hey, whatever. You like what you like, right? 

"McDonalds!" I nodded as we pulled up to a parking spot. I got out before the boys so I could get Stephan out but before I could even reach the car seat, they bolted. I was unbuckling Stephan when I heard honking. Extremely close to where we parked. Almost too close. I closed the car door and looked up. Parker and Jackson were standing in front of a truck with some hot guys in it. My eyes widened and fear filled my mind. I ripped the twins out of the road and started yelling. 

"Are you guys crazy! You could of gotten hit by a god damn car! Do you understand how much trouble you would of caused this family?  Ragazzi, dovete essere piu ' furbo! Quante volte mamma ha avvertito voi ragazzi a non giocare in strada? Quanto più idiota potrebbe voi ragazzi ottenere?fraintendetemi, sono felice che stai bene ma porca." (You guys need to be smarter than that! How many times has mom warned you guys to not play in the street? How much more idiotic could you boys get? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're okay but holy). 

When I'm ranting, I start speaking Italian. Parker and Jackson just looked up at me with wide eyes. They had yet to respond, and I started to feel bad. 

"Si sono verificati Nicolina" (We're sorry Nicolina) Parker spoke up and I felt my heart slow down. 

"It's fine but you can't do that." I ran a hand through my hair before looking towards the road. The truck of guys was still there. They were looking at us with wide eyes. 

"I'm sorry." I looked down at the ground and so did the twins. 

"It's really fine." One smiled, winked, and then drove away. God, I hate the opposite sex. 

I had the boys take the chairs and towels from the car. While I carried a bag and Stephan. We had settled on a nice spot near the water. There was only another family next to us. 


I started playing with my brothers and they seemed to really enjoy it. One minute I was swinging Stephan around and then the next I was throwing the football with the boys. 

"Go long!" Jackson shouted and I did as he said. I caught the ball and then bumped into someone. I quickly turned on my heels to face the person. 

"I am sorry-" 

"It's fine." I looked up and made eye contact with one of the hot guys from the truck. Out of all the people that it could of been, it had to be one of them. 

"They yours?" He asked pointing to my brothers. Without noticing I burst into laughter. Me, having kids? Already? HILARIOUS. 

"Yeah if I had kids when I was three." I covered my mouth and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry. That was so rude." He smirked and shook his head.

"It was rude of me to ask. I'm sorry." I sighed and then I noticed something. I was still holding the football and no one was watching as Stephan was approaching the water. 

"SORRY!" I shouted before running after Stephan. I quickly grabbed him and put him on my hip. He's fine Nikki. 

I made my way to Jackson and Parker, my blood was boiling

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I made my way to Jackson and Parker, my blood was boiling. "You couldn't of watched him!" I shouted and they both looked at the ground. 

"I have to go to the car. I'll be back in a second. Please don't do anything stupid." I started walking away to go to the car. My brother's were going to get me in so much trouble one day. What if they did get hit by the truck? I'd have to live the fact that it was my fault and my mother would hate me. What if Stephan had ran into the water? I would have to live with the fact that I wasn't watching him. 

I sat in the car for ten minutes just thinking before going back with Stephan. 

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