The Dimensional Traveller

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The man in the finely tailored suit streaked through the rain and leaped over the fence with ease. Kaldwin perused him, pulling himself over the same fence with some difficulty and cursing as he did so. He leaped down from the fence, rolled, came up and ran onwards. Bathed in moonlight, the two ran; Kaldwin the pursuer, the man the perused.

This man was a Dimensional Traveller, one of the few left in the world and one out of two in Australia. However, this Dimensional Shunter had used his powers to obtain several weapons of mass destruction from alternate dimensions and fully intended to use them to bring the world to its knees under chaos. His name was Jason Intention and he was also, as of late, the number one most wanted criminal in Australia.

And Kaldwin was currently the one chasing him through the streets of Sydney at midnight.

Jason Intention leaped into the air, slid over the roof of a car covered in moonlight and darkness in odd places and vanished from view. Kaldwin jumped over the same car, putting a small dent in the roof, and landed back on the ground, looking around for Jason. But he was gone.

Cursing, Kaldwin wheeled around and scanned the places that were most concealed from view. Bushy hedges, large trees, the houses that lined the streets. But he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

A deafening roar split the air and Kaldwin instinctively threw himself to the ground and rolled sideways for extra cover. Rightly so, it seemed, for when he looked up again, Jason was standing a few dozen metres away with a futuristic-looking flamethrower that was generating a green flame-stream, engulfing the place he had been seconds ago. Kaldwin leaped up from his place of cover and seized the pistol he kept inside his jacket and took aim at Jason’s right leg. He shot three times and they all hit, taking the Dimensional Shunter to the ground, screaming.  He saw Jason use one arm for support and the other to feel inside his own suit for something. Not wanting to give his enemy a chance to do anything else, Kaldwin shot four more bullets, making sure to miss the man but keeping them close enough to, hopefully, scare him.

It worked and, while he was distracted, Kaldwin ran forwards again, towards the man, ready to strike. He reached Jason and let his leg fly out in a kick which collided with his chin and the man fell backwards.

Kaldwin held the gun steady, aimed at Jason Intention’s head and glared, waiting for him to look up and see the weapon. When he did, Kaldwin was glad to see he slowly raised his hands next to his head where he lay and stopped moving. Panting slightly, Kaldwin used his free hand to grab a pair of steel handcuffs from the inside of his jacket.

“You’re under arrest,” he said, kneeling down and grabbing one of Jason’s hands. “I’m sure you don’t really want me to go through that whole professional speech thing.”

Jason didn’t speak, but a soft chuckle escaped his lips before Kaldwin cuffed his hands together, binding his magic and trapping it inside him. He searched every pocket the criminal had and pulled out of the search with seven different guns, none of which even officially existed in this reality yet, four simple knives, and a lot of money, some that meant things and the rest that didn’t. It seemed that Jason spent a lot of time in other realities as well.

Kaldwin pocketed the stuff for now, and stood up, bringing the Shunter with him, then stooped and picked up the flamethrower thing that Jason had used earlier. Jason had to grab Kaldwin’s shoulder to stay upright and still wobbled violently where he stood. The three bullets Kaldwin had put in his leg was evidently taking its toll. Not wanting to waste even one of the leaves he had on the criminal, Kaldwin did not do anything to help him and started walking back towards the Sanctuary, not bothering to call for a car. It was a long walk back, but he didn’t particularly care if it meant that Jason was being punished for his crimes already.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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