Creating a Territoy

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Coming up with a territory is hard. You have to create places in your terrirory. Lets make a random clan, called ReedClan. We live near a swamp, and we are fast and long-haired. We are Cunning and Clever, yes? Ok, so we created a clan. ReedClan is gonna be our example clan. Ok lets say Beebrair and her apprentice, Treepaw go to a hunting place to hunt. What can we name it? Lets think for a second. What does the place look like? What is it surounded by? Its by a swamp, so I imagine it serounded by willow-like trees. What does ReedClan hunt? Hmm... well, of course they eat fish! And they should maybe eat frogs. Hmm... but how do we know the hunting ground is near the swamp? It could be in the trees. Raccoons live in swamp areas. By this infomation, I think I came up with a name. Raccoon Willows. Territories aren't so hard when you think about it. Now, we need borders! Who does ReedClan border with? Well, there has to be a marsh near a swamp. So maybe GrassClan? Where is the border line? Hmm, maybe between some rocks, or maybe along crumpled leaves. As you can see, I created a territory (obviously). Don't say your clan lives in a dessert the all of a sudden there is this fresh, huge river. Desserts have small oasises that are not fresh. If you want a fresh, huge river, you should probably live in a jungle, rain forest, or a normal forest. It'll make more sense.

Creating places in your territoey isn't too hard. You have to think what is in or around that area. This part isn't really hard, to be honest.

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