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"Your coffee sir" I ask John who comes in for his morning coffee and strawberry donut. He smiles and nods as he continues to read the Sunday morning paper.

Jett my brother has the day off so he will probably bring in his rowdy friends. My friend is still probably in bed and its 9:30am. He's lazy lets just say that.

"Yoo whoo!!" Oops speak of the devil. He's not in bed. When i look at him his hair is all over the place like noodles. He wears black skinny jeans and his famous white t-shirt that he always wears and his combat boots.

"Mattyyyy Booo" I squeeze his face and he does a cute little smile. This is Matty Healy my bestest friend, no we are not going to get together Matty is strictly gay (calm down its AU) his boyfriend George is very protective but they are soooo cute.

He starts to update me on all the gossip thats been happening over the weekend, theres a lot apparently. I look up when the door rings a sign of the door being opened and there stands Jett with his four friends Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton the most annoying guys in the whole state of Missouri.

"Ayyyy Emmilly" They all yell at the same time flopping down into a booth in front of me.

"Come serve us. Thats what your for" and theres Michael he's the rude one well to me anyway. He gets along with Matty fine but with me we are like cat and dog.

"Hey Matty" Michael says and Matty gives him a wave.

"How can I help" I ask pulling out my note book from the front of my apron.

"Four lots of pancakes with a side of bacon and chocolate syrup, a hamburger with fries and five strawberry shakes....please" My brother says quickly as i scribble over the page.

"Ok it won't be to long" I say walking away as they start to murmur amongst themselves.

"And I'm done" I say sitting down at a booth with my apron in my lap. Its been a long day, it gets quite busy on Sundays because all the family's come in to have a get-together brunch. It has just been me and Mandy the other waitress for the day, Mum did come in for an hour and helped out with the rush but other than that Dads been out back to check stock levels and help Lenny cook. Lenny has been Dads best mate since they were little, so he's like my uncle and the best chef ever. So is my Dad.

"For you my lady" A plate with 3 pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate chips is put in front of me. Its my favourite. I look up to see Dad with a big grin he usually does this on Sundays for our Father and Daughter time as he eats his hamburger. 


Ugh! Its school time.  I dislike school, well doesn't everyone. Today is Monday. Mondays are so boring all the wrong subjects for the worst day of the week. Buts its always a bonus since I get Mondays off, which are usually spent with Matty at his house. 

When I get to school I see Jett and his friends all crowded. Michael and his s.l.ut making out. Julia is the biggest biatch of the school thinking she is like a beauty queen but she ain't. Plus Michael not being any better they are perfect for each other.

I see Matty walking towards me with George and their hands linked together.  They are so cute.
"Hey gurl" Matty says hugging me and flipping his hair"
"Hey" George says with his incredibly deep voice. (Fangirls for a second).

I am then suddenly shoved into Mattys chest. With a quick spin on my heel I see Julia smirking at me.

"Aw look its the gays and a um something" she says laughing with her two minions laughinh behind her. Her minions are Lacee and Mary they are just as annoying as she is.

"Um is there something wrong" I say in confusion

"Yeah your face" Julia spits back. I almost choke what a dumb comeback

"Is that the best you got Jules" I use her nickname. She scoffs and is about to say something back

"Piss off Julia no one wants your s.l.utty ass around here" Matty says back with his sass. She rolls her eyes and walks away.

Then the bell rings.
This is going to be a long day.....




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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