Kenpachi X Reader

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Kenpachi x Reader (NSFW)

You happily sip your tea as you sit outside in the calming breeze, your eyes closed and your hair softly blowing in the wind. Your kimono lazily pooled at your elbows, showing off your soft arms and a large portion of your chest. You set your small tea cup down and open your eyes, looking at the small koi pond in front of you, watching as the colorful wish elegantly swam freely. Humming in content, you dip your finger into the cool water, watching as the water rippled from your touch.

Kenpachi, the Captain of Squad 11, the strongest soul reaper in the 14 court Guard Squads, watched you from a distance, his eyes narrowed in your direction, arms folded over his chest, leaning against the door frame. Lately, you have been ignoring him due to his more harsh actions towards your friend Hanataro. He had yelled at the smaller male for getting in his way and roughly shoved him aside, much to your disliking, so to punish him, you began to give him he silent treatment. Such a silly and childish act for someone of a noble family. Though, Kenpachi found this treatment to be slightly amusing and a bit arousing at the same time. He wanted you to start talking to him again, and he knew exactly how.

He swiftly straightens himself out, cracking his knuckles before closing the distance between the two of you. Standing behind you, Kenpachi smiled down at your small frame, his mind bringing back memories of when he used your small body to his advantage, picking you up, placing things on high shelves, holding you against the wall as he pleased you all so roughly. A shiver runs down his back at the last thought, making small goosebumps prick at his skin. The one eyed captain licks his lips, slowly sitting down behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

Your smile then falters at this, making a frown form on your face. You place your hands on his muscular arms to help prop yourself up, but his hold on you is strong. Growling, you look back , cutting your eyes at him." Let me go at once, Kenpachi." You command, yet your voice remains calm. He simply chuckles at your words, bringing you in tighter to his chest. " Oh, come on. You still can't be mad at me. I said sorry a million times." He then says, dipping his head to rest in the crook of your neck, his lips softly kissing the warm flesh there.

A wave of warmth rushes over your body, ending at your womanhood in a soft tingle at this. He had mapped your body from head to toe, knowing all of your most sensitive areas from years of practice and exploring. He was your lover after all, and it would only be right of he knew everything about you and your body. The spot he kissed on your neck in particular was always a spot that gave you pleasurable chills, but you had to keep calm, not wanting to give in to him.

"How could I not be mad at you. Hurting Hanataro was unnecessary and plain cruel. He didn't mean to be there and all you had to say was a polite 'excuse me' and that would have been that!" You lecture him, though he paid no mind to it. His attention was locked on your neck. His kissed had soon turned into light nibbles, his hands now gaining a mind of their own as they start to rub your shoulders gently, his thumbs drawing circles on the soft flesh.

Kenpachi wasn't one to be gentle and slow, so he hoped that you would catch onto how sorry he really was and the way he wanted to show it. However, you had caught on long ago, but simply wanted to make him wait as more of a punishment. Though you were the one to initiate this punishment of silence meant to teach your lover a lesson, you were still affected by it. You missed the warmth of his hands and the smell of his sweat soaked body mixed with his natural musk. You missed the way his body felt against yours on the more heated nights the both of you shared. You missed him deeply, and you have been craving him ever since you started the punishment.

A soft moan then escapes your lips as you feel his hand move to cup one of your breasts, kneading it with one hand. His moth had then traveled to your shoulder, his teeth sinking into the flesh, nibbling, kissing, and licking the spot until a purple and blue bruise started to form. Your eyes close as more and more pleasure starts to well inside you, a warm heat resting upon your womanhood, making it throb and grow wet in preparation for what you hoped to come soon.

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