As Blind As A Zubat 【Pokemon】

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As Blind As A Zubat
Prologue: That Darkness, That Pull, That Want

In the Distortion World, there is no light. There is nothing but a swirling darkness that always wants to draw you in, to pull you in, to make you become one with nothing. If you finally give into that pull, that one want that you never knew you had, there is nothing to catch you as you fall. You just keep falling in an endless, black nothingness; nothing will ever save you; you are by yourself with nothing beside you until the end of time. But something – someone – saved me when I fell. That was the person I have called Father ever since.

 I gave into that pull, that want, because I would never know what light, what brightness, would look like. I would always be in a darkness no one would ever know about, unless I made them like the way I was. I have never seen my father's face; I have only traced it with my fingers. Many do not take human sight for granted, but they should. If you become like me, you would give into that want, that pull. The darkness I sit in is never-ending. I can never just say: “I don't want to be in this blackness anymore! I quit! Stop it right now!” No, I can never say that. If I wish to end the darkness, I would need to end my life. Why would I want a death wish?

 I can live forever in the Distortion World, but I wish to touch more; I wish to be introduced to more things than floating rocks, my father, endless nothing, and motionless wind. I want, I need, to feel the imaginary sun on my face, to touch legendary living leaves on illusory trees, to hear the voices of mythical humans.

 I must leave the only place I know to feel these things. Father has told me that the world, the Human World, is horrible and harsh to outsiders. Everyone lies and nothing is safe, not even your own life. He has told me that the Human World is loud and bright; he has said that only the kind Pokemon, the silent caves, rushing rivers, roaring waterfalls, the rustling grass, the calm lakes, and cheerful forests barely make up for what my kind has done to the world above.

 Father told me that I am the only one of my kind that knows what true silence, true darkness, true nothingness, and the real truth is. He has also told me that I have a special, spacial-like power that could change the both Worlds. Although I have never known my real parents, something deep in my soul, and mind, tells me that they are not just regular Humans. They were special and because of their fear of the Human World, they brought me down here to hide for eternity with the one I call Father.

 I wonder if anyone up there knows I am alive and well. Father told me that I have been here for seven human lifetimes, but, because I have been living in a timeless world, I have not aged a day since my fourteenth birthday; I do not know why I stopped at aging at age fourteen. That is another mystery I wish to know the answer to.

 I have only heard Humans once, and that was when Father brought a Human man in because he was trying to save both worlds from being destroyed by that very Human. The Human felt a lot like me, only he had spiky hair on his face and shorter hair on his head; he also wore pants and a shirt instead of a dress. My guess is that male Humans wear different clothes than us females. I heard that more Humans came into my – our – World and tried to capture Father, but a boy Human knew that Father had to stay here. The Human never asked why and he left; did he see me? I wonder what it is like for him in his World. . .

 If I ask Father, will he allow me out of our World?


This story is something I've always wanted to write about, but I need to finish Envy before I start another book and get pulled into it. . . So, I'm just wondering if anyone else likes 'As Blind As A Zubat' as much as I do (according to the prologue). If I get enough people who like it, I just might continue it. ;)

As Blind As A Zubat 【Pokemon; Paused】Where stories live. Discover now