1. My name is Melissa

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"Hello everybody, I am Melissa," I said, standing up confidently in front of the class, pushing my chest forward. I popped a few buttons open, feeling hot all of a sudden from the intense stares of the 25 students in class.

I used my werewolf vision to analyse the werewolves in the classroom. There were 15 and they sat close together, however they didn't belong to the same pack. Some of the males stared at me, or rather my chest, even though they were not the Alphas. There was one Beta though.

But I wanted an Alpha, just like every other girl. Who wouldn't?

The teacher coughed beside me and I sighed, nearly forgetting this was a classroom. My real reason to come to this college wasn't to study, who cares about studying. The school and college, from different pack communities, had the most werewolves in the world, and it was a very big college, a large part of the area extending towards the ground, where the school was built. Or sixth form, how we called it. The two extra years of study after high school.

The sole purpose, was to fish out the Alpha for myself. I was beautiful, and not afraid to attract anybody. But I was also what every Alpha secretly liked: submissive, but confident enough to be a Luna. Even my pack supported my decision, saying that I was more likely to succeed in this mission.

"I come from a small area in Newcastle, and...my favourite drink is hot chocolate." This was stupid, to introduce myself like that. I didn't know what to say, and nobody looked interesting enough to me. Why did I have to get this classroom?

"Alright, you can sit down now," the teacher eventually spoke, realising there really was no point. She pointed to a student,"Next to Carolina."

First judgements: Carolina looked like a really boring person. She was biting her red painted nails, a nervous look in her small green eyes, and her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail.

I plastered a small smile, to which she barely even acknowledged my presence, as annoying as it felt to be ignored, and sat down next to her. The teacher droned out about how long division was useful in certain parts of maths-crap I couldn't give two sh*ts about.

"Which pack do you come from?" I knew Carolina would eventually start talking. After all, how long would she keep ignoring me? Two points for Melissa!

"White Rose pack," I stated proudly. My pack was like a big happy family, we treated everyone with respect and love and were not unwelcoming to the rouges, which was a surprising new trait as many packs preferred to stay traditional. Almost 80% of the packs were rumored to follow strict lifestyles, and most of the continued to follow their ancestral traditions. Rouges were still unwelcome by many, and there was no doubt how dangerous they could be. But the White Rose was famous for its gentle control.

"Cool. I'm from the Storm pack," she said, her tone one of complete boredom. It was such a turn off to sit with her, she just wanted to make small talk about my were-identity. Because that was probably the only thing we had in common. But I could use this moment to my advantage, and dig some knowledge.

"Great! Who's your Alpha?" I asked, hoping my tone wasn't too enthusiastic.

"Well his name is Greyson," she said, eyeing me suspiciously. "Why?"

Her question didn't bother me. I went through these situations before and had a good way of stepping out of suspicions. The reality was I didn't want anyone to know about my mission. I knew well enough about the opinions and remarks others would have if they knew that I was willing to jump on their Alpha. Humiliation was something else for me. A future Luna must be respected or at least liked.

What if my mate wasn't an Alpha, you'd ask?

At the young age of 9, I dreamed of my mate, who was an Alpha. I didn't see his face, but the wolves who'd bow their head even behind his back as he walked towards the the high edge of a cliff indicated an Apha. His stand was domineering, and a dark aura surrounded him, his muscles standing out underneath his black shirt. Ever since then, I asked to be trained as a Luna. Whoever he was, my heart reached out for him, not wanting to disappoint him at any cost. Thus, begun my search for the man who controlled my heartbeat every night. I waited till I was 18, and now it's time.

Alpha, show yourself!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang