Apparently I'm His

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Blurb (Sort of?)

Maya Loving absolutely abhorred her mom's job of housing celebrities. 

They were all jackasses and ruined her image of celebrities forever. 

So when Maya learns that her mom's newest clients are the biggest boy band in the world, she's less than thrilled. 

More dirty clothes, smelly boys and dick jokes. Yay. Not. She didn't want to house 5 complete strangers yet again for what felt like the thousandth time. 

Enter Harry Styles.

When he finally meets Maya, he's instantly infatuated. She's pretty, a smart ass and best of all, her room's right next to his. With each day he spends at the Loving household, he realizes just how much he really does like Maya and ultimately decides, that yes, Maya was going to be his at the end of his stay. 

Problem is, Maya's already dated celebrity heartthrobs before. She's had enough of them. Been there, done that, bye. 

But what she doesn't know is that Harry Styles can be one of the most stubborn people alive and will get what he wants.


"You know, you remind me of a puppy, Harry. No matter how many times I kick you away, you just keep coming back."

"Is this your way of indirectly complimenting me and calling me adorable like a puppy?"

"No this is my indirect way of saying take a hint and fuck off."


I am bringing back Apparently I'm His and the plot will have the same base but I think I'm going to change a lot about the story. 
I am debating whether or not I will make this a short and sweet story or make it long, I don't know yet. But I guess, all I can say now is just keep a look out for the newest and revamped chapter of AIH
(okay to be fair I wrote this when i was young and childish but i'm hoping to write this so it sounds better than the summary ok harry won't be all freakishly possessive ok)

Bye babes 
Kasey xx

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