Chapter one

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All Rights Reserved: The 5th wave series/ movie

(I'm sorry that this is so short. I'm gonna start making longer chapters)

I was looking at the stars again, just thinking. Thinking if Evan is still alive. If he ever made it out alive. Or maybe that last touch of his lips were his goodbye. When he told us to go, in my mind I was panicking. Freaking out. Wanting to just see I'm again. I turned and faced Sammy. She looked so cute while he slept. But I know he must dying on the inside. He's only 7. But yet we lost our parents, and I'm all he has left.

"Hey," said a calm tired voice. I turned the other way to see it was Ben. He had his hand under his head, and the other near his face. He looked tired. No. He looked exhausted.

"Hi. You should probably go to bed. Teacup is taking watch, and you're soon to come." He looked me right in the eye. Then shook his head. He looked up. Then he gasped.

"Cassie LOOK!" He pointed up, and I look towards his finger. It was The Others ship. Headed strait towards us. I leaped up in panic, and Ben followed, yelling at everyone to get up. I picked up Sammy, and he was awake soon. Then he saw it. But stayed quiet. I grabbed his backpack and my bag. Once we were all cleaned up we ran. It was a mile to the closest woods.

We just ran. Adrenaline kicked in as we were running faster then we have ever ran. Then - BANG one gun shot. No one was hit. Sammy was struck with fear. I could feel it in his body language. The woods were so far away, we couldn't make it. But we still ran. Shot after shots after shots. They were shooting at our feet. One almost hit Ben, but that wasn't the end. They seem to be only shooting at him.

"BEN," I hollered. "THEY ARE TARGETED AT YOU!" I caught up to him, Sammy still in my arms. Ben looked at me, then scooped Sam up into his arm and put a protective arm around his head. BANG! Then a scream. It was Teacup. She had been shot in the leg. Her leg was bleeding out. It wouldn't stop.

"GO!" Yelled Ringer. "I've got her! JUST KEEP RUNNING!" So we did. All the way to the woods. We just ran. Until something unexpected happened. We all had ran to where a deep valley in the ground was. I tried to stop running, but my feet couldn't stop. My ankle went one way. Fell to the side. Soon I was tumbling down the hill. I could hear Ben and Sammy had fell too.

"GAAH!" It was Ben. Something had happened. I could feel my old wound opening up as a rock had jabbed into that area. Then I hit a tree. And I stopped rolling. But it felt as if I was. I heard rustling of leaves. Then voices, then some more rustling. Soon I looked over. Ben was moving near, just not as fast. Maybe his old wound was never healed. He was soon over to me. I was sitting up by now.

"Cassie are you-" he was looking at my leg. "CASSIE!" He picked me up. But when he did, I could feel a warm liquid go through to my shirt.

"Ben you can't be carrying me. You're bleeding." He looked down at me, shook his head, then he laughed.

"If only you could see your leg." I looked down. My leg was soaked with a red substance. It was blood. But the pain was not even that bad.

We found a good area and he put me down. Sammy was right beside us the whole time, and he sat down. Ben took of his backpack that was covered in leafs and grabbed a first aid kit. "I grabbed it from the car. It was just sitting there and I knew we were going to need it."

Then a rustle came across the woods. Footsteps. We couldn't hide at all. Then they came into our site. 4 people. Ringer was holding Teacup, Dumbo who stayed behind to help and....


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