Princesses Reunite

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My P.O.V

Hello, my name is Celestia Pony and I am 21 and princess of the Eqestrian kingdom. But ever since I've been here there was this gloomy kingdom that looks just like mine and I'm always curious about what and how rules the kingdom. I heard that the princess over there looks like me but I'd dare not to go over there. So one day I decided to go over there and see who their ruler was.

One day

I went to the dark kingdom and knock at the door. When there stood a buffed,strong,handsome looking warrior with heavy armor on that approached me.

???:who goes there

Me: I'm princess Celstia for I must see the queen

??: very well then

Me: *come in then shuts door*

P.M:who was at the door,my warrior

I looked at the princess, well I think that we are the same age and was the princess. The only difference between us is that she had long dark blue hair and as long as mine and that she is all about the night and stuff like she is dark grayish. And for me my hair is rainbow and long, and hair is darkish and flowy. And I dress in armor dresses and she dresses in suites and a cape. But other than that we really do look alike.

Me: yes umm, I am-

P.m: I already know who you are. I am princess Lunna, I have heard a lot about you

Me: rally because you see I came over to see you actually because I've heard things about you, but really about the both of us

P.m: oh really *stands from throne* what things about me

Me: well people say that we look alike an-and that *gulped* that it can be a possibility that we could be sisters, Oh! And that You are really dark and stuff like that

P.m: so people do talk about me, I'm surprised and shocked, well I do have heard a few things about you as well

Ms: well like what

P.m: well like how you have rainbow hair, wear pure dresses and is really pretty

Me: oh, at least people don't talk negative of us, do you have family around here

P.M: no, my father, I'm not for sure of his name, he was murdered in a battle against this kingdom called the sunlight or whatever it was called and for my mom she was a sunlight princess or queen and fell in love with my dad and it was firbiden for them to love so they both divided to run away and live a new life but when they found them they killed them. They hinged my mom and put a spear right through my dads heart

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