Just Friends; Cody Simpson Love Story

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- I know I'm not the best of writers but I enjoy it so I thought I'd give it a try, and let me know in the comments if I'd made and grammar/spelling mistakes:)

Evie's p.o.v

"Evie, can you call Co-" I cut Angie off mid sentence.

"Coooooody get your fat arse in here, Dinners ready.."

Angie looked at me with a stern look plastered across her face, as if in sync we both burst into laughter

"What? Just because he's a teen pop sensation doesn't mean I can't treat him like a normal bestfriend" I raised an eyebrow, which only made us laugh ten times harder.

"Did I hear someone mention teen pop sensation?" Cody burst into the kitchen, shaking his bum in our direction. "Well his 'fat arse' is in the room" He put quotation marks around 'fat arse' referring to what I had called him a couple of minutes earlier.

Tom ran up behind Cody and slapped his bum. This is why I love this family, they never fail to make me laugh.

Just at that moment My dad, Brad and Alli walked through the door, bringing in the drinks.

"Evie can you get the glasses out please?" My mum asked.

"Do you guys just think of me as a slave, like you don't really love me like you say you do, you just see me as a cheap pay, and by that I mean no pay, worker?" I say, putting a hand on my hip and letting out a fake cry.

"Hey, did you hear that? She actually thought we meant it when we said we loved her" Cody said making his way towards me. I decided to take no notice of him and swing the chair around to face Alli.

Alli started giggling, which then turned into her hideous cackle that just makes me love her more. I pleaded for her to tell me why she was laughing, I'm not sure if she actually tried to tell me or not because in between her snorts and breaks for air I had no clue what was coming out of her mouth. That's when I felt it, Cody had wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.

"Max, I'll take her arms you take her legs"

Max, my brother. And cody were always playing tricks on me and Alli, this time Alli was playing along with it. And I was the only one being pranked. Cody and Max had been best friends since they were born, just like me and Alli. Our parents were on the same swim team in high school and they've been bestfriends ever since. Which meant Me, Max, Cody, Alli and Tom had been brought up together. It's like we're one big family really.

The next thing I knew they were carrying me outside, and swinging me back and forth over the swimming pool.

"PUT ME DOWN NOW" I screamed, the louder and more frustrated I got, the more they teased me.

"Oh you want to be put down? Are you sure?" Cody asked, his smile grew larger and his eyes grew wider and wider each time he asked me if I was sure. He had a plan, and I was scared.

"Ok, I think that's enough shall we put her down Max?" Cody asked, that sly grin was still managing to grow from one ear to another, It really puzzled me how one boys smile could be so large, but a lot of things about Cody puzzled me and this wasn't the time to go into detail.

"Yeah," Max replied "how about here?" They stopped swinging me back and forth and left me dangling over the pool.

"One," oh

"Two," no

"THREE" and they dropped me. It wasn't really much of a surprise, but I wasn't going to let them get away with this. Lets just say, I wasn't the only one ending up in that pool tonight.

After dinner, when I had finally dried off I suggested that we play a game. In my mind something that involved a blindfold.

"How about murder in the dark?" Tom asked, as if he had read my mind.

It didn't take me long to get this prank rolling.

"Cody, you go first! Here, use my scarf as a blindfold."

Alli turned the lights off and everyone hid, behind sofa's, t.v's and anything else that was possible to climb behind. I snuck out of my hiding place and made sure that I made stomping noises loud enough for Cody to hear so that he would follow me outside, it worked. We were standing on the edge of the pool until I made a quick move to the back of Cody pulled his blindfold off and pushed him in.

"AHH" Cody screamed.

For a boy with all that muscle, it's crazy that such a girly scream could come out of his mouth.

Everyone started laughing and Cody jumped out of the pool quicker than he would if Miranda Kerr was in the room.

"I'll get you back Evie, you better sleep with one eye open." Cody shouted at me as he walked inside.

These are the moments that I treasured it was hard with him living in America, when he came back home we were inseparable. We were Gold Coast's finest, and nothing would ever change that. But recently things were different, well in my eyes anyway. Tabloids and rumours would forever fill up my mentions, things like 'have you seen Cody and Kylie, they're so cute' or 'Cody Simpson dating the youngest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan, rumour has it they're in love' it sort of broke my heart that people were telling me, that my best friend was in love with someone, that wasn't me. Of course I didn't have a crush on him and I didn't want to be his girlfriend either, I don't know what it was, but something about it hurt inside. And I didn't feel strong enough to tell him, or ask him about him and Kylie.

-Sorry this chapter wasn't the best, but it has to start somewhere ah

follow my twitter @goldcoastfish

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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