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I didn't ask to be involved in all this. I didn't ASK to become some sort of angel god. Some people would say, "that's life and crap happens." But NOT crap like this. Monsters and beings beyond your wildest dreams, all converging in on each other to make the earth a living hell. Now when I say living hell, I'm not exaggerating. Not one bit. I would love to just wake up one morning and know that all this was just a bad dream, but I can't. And that's my own problem, I thought I would make a record of all this so that people could know what really goes on out there in the big wide world. I just hope that one day I'll get to show it to someone instead of "someone" finding all my notes a hundred years after I've become nothing but a pile of bones in a coffin deep under ground. But here it is, I hope that I've just presented it to you instead of you finding it in my grave, but here goes... you know all those beliefs, either something as ancient as Egypt, or something newer like the Norse gods? Well here's the big secret, they're all true, well most of them. And every aspect of all those beliefs are true, accept for a few twisted lies along the way in history. And before you stop reading this because it simply does not make any possible sense, let me explain. Yes it's all true, and yes, there are dominant and/ or weaker beliefs, but they are all very real and very dangerous. Though each god or goddesses of each belief consider each other to be a threat to themselves. Now you're probably wondering how and why I know all this, it's quite simple and complicated at the same time. My father, is Satan, or Lucifer or whatever you would like to call him. He is the angel, Lucifer. You can't begin to imagine, what it's like having the Devil as your father. Anyways... before I keep going on about my father though, I'll switch over to talking to you about my mother. She's Greek and her name's Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. (I have no idea how it happened between Athena and Satin.) So yeah, basically everywhere I go, I'm shunned and rejected from everyone that does know about this side of the world, and there are two different groups of people that do. The safe havens/ training camps for the ones eighteen and under, and then there's all the fighters out in the world, who fight for monsters, demons, and any bad things going on really. They're called the Guardians. I'm twenty four right now, but the story I'm about to tell you is taking place from the day I found out about all this, to the present day. So kick back, even though you may be murdered by some god, or possessed by a ghost. But just try and relax and not think about that. Just a little advice, you can't really do anything about gods, but you can protect yourself from demons and ghosts and other such things. Research how to ward off these things because there are so many different ways to go about it that I could go on listing all these things until hell cracks open further that's right, I said further and basically anything that hasn't managed to crawl out does. I would've said until the apocalypse goes down and everyone's in deep shit... But that's already happened.  Before you read this, sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Read on if you wish, but there's no going back once you read about the horrors of the real world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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