Part 1

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This is my entry for the Shorty Awards. I hope you like it.

Life was pretty run-of-the-mill for most people during the era of gods in Ancient Greece. Of course, the hardest parts of living in ancient Greece was dealing with Zeus, the king of the gods who was also notorious for having a temper. You can tell when you see great big streaks of lightening across the sky, followed by loud cracks of thunder. But as long as you steer clear from crossing the line you'd be fine.

There was a young man. A mortal man. You would see him tending to the horses on his farm or crops in his garden. He thought his life was going great. But something was missing. From time to time, he always had the empty feeling from the pit of his stomach. And it wasn't just because he was hungry.

Whatever this was he would find out later.

But for now, his main focuses are taking care of the horses (one of them had a baby foal) and tending to his collection of vegetable plants and fruits.

Then one night, the man receives an message from an anonymous source, claiming that he has been invited to a party at the Village Square.


The party took place at midnight. Food and Dionysus' famous wine was set on the wooden table for the feast. Decorations of flowers and earthly nature adorned the Village Square. Everyone wore masks with leaves and feathers. They danced around a pit of fire that's built in the center and cheered. Sounds of trumpets and lyres and pan flutes filled the air.

The guests of honor were Guardians and Angels. They were benevolent and holy beings that hail from Heaven, a place connected to the Spirit World and Hell. Their jobs are ridding the world of evil and darkness. They have came to Greece to bless this lovely party.

The man who arrived watched the event take place from afar. He had never been to one of these events and was not used to human interaction—he often thought it was forced. Solitude was his only comfort.

The man frowned.

Frustrated, he got up from his spot and was about to leave when he suddenly bumped into a masked woman in a green dress.

He apologizes. The woman takes off her mask, revealing eyes that were bluer than fiords and a radiant face. She was like a goddess, only that she was different from any other girl he saw.

The woman introduces herself as Ankara. She is one of the Nephilim people, an angel. Like him, she seemed shy as well.

The two disbanded and hid in a hidden garden nearby. They sat on giant rocks and talked. He thinks she's a gracious creature and smiles.

Suddenly, a connection bloomed and they sealed it with a kiss.

When they heard a man calling everyone over for the annual feast, the newly formed couple got up and held hands. They ran over to the crowd just in time.

And at that moment, the man knew that this was what he was missing all this time.

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