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I lock up my bike and continue on my way to the large doors that are the threshold to the one and only Princeton highschool.

I walk into the grand blue and white school dormitories, yes, there are dorms. I catch the eye of the social whores.

I roll my eyes and straighten out my emerald green blazer. I hate how they act all like they dont care, but I know better.

I approach my blue locker and hiss through my teeth at the red paint scrawled across it, reading Im a whore.

I scoff, whos the whore? Certainly not me.

I click the locker open and ignore the snickers and cat calls that I can clearly hear.

I inhale and close my eyes and repeat to myself: youll make do, youll make do, youll make do!

I open my eyes and dull my green eyes, if no one sees me feeling, they wont have anything to say about me.

I grab my Chemistry textbook and slam the locker to a close.

I clearly hear behind me in a whisper, "Slut."

Thats it.

I turn around and look to see a girl with strawberry blonde locks and baby blue eyes.

I glare at her icily, and hiss under a whisper,"You sure im the slut? You've probably fu<ked more boys than I ever would."

I snicker at her and walk away.


I sulk in the back of Mrs. Lylas class.

How could I say that?! I smack my head on the desk.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Mrs. Lylas familiar voice clears her throat and asks me politely, slightly confused by my behavior,"Do you need to go to the nurse, Morgan?"

I look up at her through my lashes and nod without thinking.

She hands me the neon orange slip with her sloppy signature scrawled across it.

I walk through the silent highways, ignoring the stares from the other junior classes.

As I walk past the rest of the classes until I somehow end up in front of the nurses office.

I peek in and see only a brunette in scrubs.

I walk in fully and clear my throat, my voice raspy,"Excuse me?"

The lady looks up and grins ear to ear,"Hi, now whats wrong with you?" she says after shes sat me on the plain gray chair.

I shrug and point at me head,"My head kinda' hurts, but not so much." I blurt out, not entirely lieing.

She smiles knowingly and checks my temperature by sticking a stick into my mouth.

When the stick-like machine beeps, she pulls it out and widens her eyes and coos," Oh, honey, youve got a high temperature."

I shrug, "It's fine."

She wags her finger at me and leads me to a small bed out of seven of them, curtains lining around them.

"Now! You will lay here until I can find you ibuprofen for that headache of yours." she says as she gets a key and walks out of the room.

I sigh and lay my hands over my eyes, shielding them from the bright yellow lights and neon posters saying absurd stuff like: Smoking doesnt allow kisses and Cancer isnt attractive.

I blow air through my mouth and cough as I almost choke on my spit.

I hear a deep, attractive laugh to my right and I turn into a tomato.

I cut a glare in the laughters direction, and I catch my breath.

My emerald green eyes meet the strangers aqua blue eyes.

His eyes drag across my body, stopping at my my own eyes.

My daydream shatters as I punch through it, Morgan! This is a boy, a pretty boy, but a boy, hes probably like the rest!

I then shut off, me on autopilot, the other Morgan in control.

"This curtain is for privacy, if you were too dumb to know that." I say coolly.

He shows me his pearly white teeth as he grins," Oh, that I did know." He chuckles lightly, making my heart beat rapidly.

The other Morgan continues," Well, take a hike, then." I snip.

His grin turns broader, if thats possible,"No."

I scoff and turn on my side, facing away from him, these dudes are dangerous.

Girls like me are just toys to guys like him, I hiss at myself.

" Are you gonna' ignore me?" His voice rings in my ears. I keep quiet.

I feel the bed drown under an unknown weight.

I half turn, " Wha-" Im cut off by the sight of the dude laying by me.

I almost scurry off the bed, but heavy arms grab me by the waist, at me ear, I hear a husky voice whisper, "Im not done with you."

I shudder and fight against his arms.

I glare at him and hiss," Leave me alone." He grins broadly at me and winks.

"Ill let you go if you give me a kiss." He says, amused by the thought."

" No." I smirk and cross my arms.

He shrugs, "then I guess you wont be leaving." My smirk drops to the tiled floor.

A thought comes to me, my smirk floats off the ground and smacks dab onto my face.

I caress his arm by trailing my index finger across it. I celebrate quietly as he shudders.

I turn around to face him and sit on his lap, a smile plays across my lips, I make sure to press my breast onto his chest.

I put my hand behind his neck and rub there, he pants,"Who are you?"

I whisper in his ear," Morgan." he shudders and starts to kiss my neck.

I stop him when my lips connect with his, sweet and slow at first until it turns hot and moist.

I grip his hair as he squeezes my thigh, a moan escapes my lips. I stop, him not noticing. What am I doing, this has gone too far.

I pull away, he reaches for me but I smack it away.

" Morgan, what are you doing?" He pleads, almost longingly. I shake my head and run out of the room.

Not again.

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