For Everyday....

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          For everyday that I stood and watched, yearning to join in and play, you walked by. An invisible boy unable to see an invisible girl. How tragic.

          For everyday that I sat next to you at school, you were unable to see me. An invisible girl in a visible school, surrounded by people that wanted to be seen.

          For everyday that I stood, and was actually able to answer the teacher's question, you were unable to hear my voice. An invisible girl with a voice that never was heard.

          For everyday that I was in the medical clinic, waiting to see if more blood would rise from my throat, you tended to others. An invisible girl with an invisible deadly condition.

          For everyday that I stood on standby, watching you dominate the court with unbeatable skills. An invisible girl watching a clearly seen boy with the skills of a prodigy

          For everyday in which I was able to bring sweets to school with a titan with a sweet-tooth, you never smelt the treats, and walked past. An invisible girl in a school with a giant with no smell of invisible candy.

          For everyday that I walked past in the halls, you could not be bothered to see me, a boy with an eye to see the future. An invisible girl with eyes unlike yours, that could see everything and nothing.

For everyday that I existed unknown, I became more and more quiet and pale. An invisible girl with a longing to be found, to be able to speak cheerfully and smile at friends who never came to greet her.

* * * * *

          Starlight sparkled on her skin, and wide eyes glowed a brilliant silver. Long hair brushed the ground, shining like the moon as moonlight lit the sky. A near transparent white skirt waved low and her ankles and up near her knees, and a flowing pale blue shirt clung to her thin form. Bandages were wrapped tightly around her forearms and calves, and pale skin shone ghostly white. She blinked at them like they were creatures from another world.

          "Who are you?"

          Came the snarky question from the Teiko's ace. A golden-haired boy elbowed him sharply, which was followed by a jab to the side from their phantom player. "Ow!" He grumbled angrily, slowly turning back to the girl standing in front of them.


          She blinked again, and slowly turned away, beginning to walk toward the rooftop railing. "Oi! Where d'you think you're going?" Aomine barked, quickly followed by a jab, an elbow to his side and a painful bop to his head.

          "I'm," came the soft reply, and they all shuffled forward to hear. "No one with a significant purpose."


          "No one important."

          Aomine let out an exasperated sigh. "Your name?"


          "Do you want to tell us?" Momoi asked kindly, bright eyes looking at the quiet girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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