Just another fairy tale

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Once upon a time in a land far away, in an alternate universe, there were two sisters who lived with their mother. The two sisters were named Brittany and Horace, and they were very pretty. Everyday they would walk around the town and everybody would comment on how beautiful they were.

"Oh look at Brittany!" The townsfolk cried "She's so very, very gorgeous! Such a pretty dress!" But Brittany didn't think she was gorgeous, nor did she like her dress.

"Oh look at Horace!" The townsfolk cried "She's so very, very pretty! Such wonderful hair!" But Brittany didn't think she was pretty, nor did she liked her hairstyle. 

But they both thanked the townsfolk, and as always went on throughout their days. Their mother was a gentle lady, so it seemed. She was polite and kind and all that yet, not to her daughters. For you see she was jealous of how beautiful they looked, and everyday wished for them to be dead.

One day the mother's sister came to town.  Her name was Cindy, although people called Cinderella because her heart with filled with Coal.  Brittany and Horace went outside to greet their Aunt.

"Hello Aunt Cindy!" They cheered both smiling, although they were not happy to see her. Cindy stared at them for a couple of seconds, but it seemed to last an hour

".....oh hello nieces....good to...." Cindy paused and made a disgusted face. "....see you...." She said in a snobby voice.

"Oh my sister dearest!" Called a nearby voice. It was Jewels, the sister's mother. She ran up and hugged Cindy. "It's so great to see you again! It's been years!" Cindy smiled "Yes dear, years..." Cindy looked away.

"Cindy you must come shopping with me sometime, we have so much to catch up to!" suggested Jewels  "Oh yes! I agree, just you and me!" She agreed.

Sometime later, Cindy came home, alone "Oh hell Aunt Cindy, where's mother?" Asked Brittany  "And why are you so happy?" Asked Horace. Cindy frowned "Oh my dears....I have some bad news..." She began "Your mother, she died. She was thrown off her horse and into a lake were she drowned" The sister's burst out into tears, and cried all night long.

Weeks passed and it was torture for the girls. Their mother was dead, and Cindy treated them poorly. "Get over it!" Cindy would scream "She was an old hag anyway!" She lock them in the basement if they cried some more.  She made them do all the chores, yell at them and threw away their gowns and clothes, leaving them with nothing but rags.

One day, Cindy took them out. All the townsfolk  looked and worried at sister's new look, which was fairly ugly to them.

"Oh look at Brittany! She's not gorgeous at all! Look at the rags she's wearing!" The Townsfolk cried.

"Oh look at Horace! She's not pretty at all!! But look, her hair is still fairly nice!" The Townsfolk cried.

Then the Townsfolk looked at Cindy and said nothing. She was outraged, and marched the girls straight home. She cut off all the hair on Horace, and ripped up Brittany clothes even more. But the sister's didn't care. Horace liked her new cut, and Brittany never had a sense for fashion. The Cindy  took them out again.

"Oh look at Brittany! She's even worse than before! I can't believe she calls those clothes!" The townsfolk laughed.

"Oh look at Horace! She's so ugly! What did she do to her hair?!" The townsfolk laughed.

Then the Townsfolk looked at Cindy. She was wearing a beautiful silk gown and her hair was done up like a princess.

"Oh....look at her...." They whispered among themselves. They said nothing. Just as Cindy was about to scream in rage, a child from the crowd began to sing:

"Cinderella! Cinderella! Heart of coal and mud! Never could get a guy cause' her face looks like a stud!" Everybody laughed including the sisters. Cindy scolded the sisters and turned to the child.

"That will be enough of you, child! Where's your mother?!"  But the child didn't stop.

"Cinderella! Cinderella! Heart of coal and mud! Never could get a guy cause' her face looks like a stud!" The child cried out again. Soon other children began to sing along.  "Cinderella! Cinderella! Heart of coal and mud! Never could get a guy cause' her face looks like a stud! Cinderella! All dressed up in a yellow gown, thinking they're the best town." Cindy walked off, furious, and pulled the sister's with her.

She threw them downstairs in the basement and left them for days. Sadly, Brittany died, and Cindy didn't' care. Horace, on the other hand, was heart broken, and wished she was dead too. Then, one day, came a kings man who went around town telling everyone of a grand ball the prince was having. Horace asked to go, but Cindy just laughed. Horace didn't care. The week following, she made Horace work even more, and make her a beautiful dress to wear to the ball. And it was beautiful. It was red, with lace all around the end bit and top tip. It glittered and glowed. Cindy thought it was perfect.

The night came, and Cindy went out to the ball. She had a wonderful time, and even got to dance with the prince. They talked all evening and was certainly in love, then... the clock struck midnight


They began to dance....


Cindy swirled and twirled all around....


"Cindy, I have a question for you...." Said the prince....


"Will you marry me?" He asked.

"YES!" Cindy screamed.

They get married the very next day, and live happily ever after....

and Horace?...

Horace, the dear girl, died of loneliness....

But that's her happy ever after....for she reunited with her sister.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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