Chapter 1: Morning

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Hi everyone. Well, this is my first writing on here.

As you may have guessed, this'll be about Shoey, which is Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa. I'm a shipper, I admit.

So.. Just let me know how you think I should go about this, and be sure to vote! Thanks, here goes, bai!


Chapter 1: Morning

~Shane's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. I blinked and turned to look at my clock. Damn. It was 9:00. Early. "Uggh." I rolled out of bed and stretched. As I made my way over to my closet, I noticed a note taped to my door. I walked over and read it.

Dear Shane,

I decided to let you sleep a bit later this morning, I woke up early so I'm off to get some groceries for us.



Okay. Well... I wonder when Lisa had left... I'm sure she'll be back soon.

I settled down on the couch in my pajamas to check how my channel was doing. Hm. Not bad! Just kidding, it was awesome. I loved all my crazy fan girls. Ha.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Hm. Lisa wouldn't knock...

I stood up and walked over to the door, looking through the peephole. I couldn't make out who it was, they were too close to the door...

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