I Love You

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Pandora Academy

The atmosphere at Pandora Academy is lively with the sounds of students during break time. There's always some kind of activity. Some contribute their golden voices, resonating throughout the academy, while others form study groups in the garden to make the most of their time. Some turn the academy grounds into a playground, running up and down from the upper floors to the assembly area, defying their high school student status. And... an activity beloved by many students is, of course, sleeping. (Right? Hahaha... sorry, just had to interject for a moment...)

A girl, accompanied by three friends, walks towards the cafeteria to grab some food before converging at their usual spot. The academy's building rooftop serves as their chosen location during break time. It's not only where they spend their breaks but also where they review lessons during any spare moments. For them, it's a comfortable and tranquil space, rarely frequented by other students.

I don’t care who you are...
Where your from..What you did...
As long as you love me...

The rooftop resonates with the familiar tune of the Backstreet Boys' hit, "As Long As You Love Me," as the four friends make their way up. Though the singing is soft, one of them catches the sound. The lanky girl pauses, trying to pinpoint the origin of the captivating melody.

"Hey.. Did any of you catch that? Someone's singing a BSB song...." she says, questioning.

"Ha? What sound? I don't hear anything..." replies her friend from behind.

"He's singing your three's favorite song... You know~ the one with 'love me' at the end..."

"Ah~ As Long As You Love Me?" asks her friend walking alongside.


"Hey.. We didn't hear anything. Come on, Noah, let's go up..."

"Hmm... Alright," Noah, the girl, agrees, following the other three.

Upon reaching the rooftop, they find a spot by the edge, leaning against the railing. Engaging in conversation and enjoying their food to fill their empty stomachs, they are so absorbed in their discussion that they are completely unaware someone else had arrived earlier and overheard their conversation.
The student, intending to leave, hesitates as the four girls arrive. While he had planned to depart, he doesn't want to draw their attention. He has no intention of eavesdropping on their conversation, but a captivating voice grabs his attention. Sitting in a somewhat concealed spot, he can't identify the singer due to the hidden vantage point.

Enchanted by the melodious voice singing their favorite song, "The One," he remains unsure of the singer's identity. The bell rings, signaling the end of the 30-minute break. The four friends start leaving for their classes to avoid the stern punishment of standing in the middle of the field under the scorching sun by their strict Accounting Principles teacher, Miss Leza. They descend the stairs, chatting slowly. Suddenly...


A hurried male student rushes up the stairs, accidentally colliding with Ryssa, who is walking more slowly than the other three. She stumbles and sits on the stairs.

"Sorry... I didn't see you there.. Are you okay?" the male student apologizes, extending his hand to help Ryssa stand.

"Thanks, Noah..." Ryssa says to Noah, who assisted her. "Nahh~ It's okay..."

"I apologize..." the male student says, only met with a smile from Ryssa.

"I'm okay, just a bit dirty, Lynzz. Come on, let's go," Ryssa says before Fiffy can speak. By doing so, she prevents the male student from enduring Fiffy's non-stop chatter. Ryssa gives a smile to the student before continuing on their way.

©I Love You [ONESHOT + Extra Scene] -English Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now