Chapter 1- molly

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| Xanders' POV|

A young little blond haired, blue eyed boy ran across the park with a older male that looked similar, chasing him closely behind, the giggles they shared and wide smiles made me jealous.

I could see their smiles the look in their eyes, full of love and joy. Oh! How I wanted a child of my own.

you could say that the park was my place were I could feel normal, but I am not.

I am Xander Cortez, I rule the vampire kingdom, I am the reason why the vampire existence is still alive and stronger than ever.

The title was passed down to me when I was 16 years young. Now I am 18. Even though I have lived for centuries already I still go to school and what not, it's the only way I can feel normal.

Now let me tell you, I am not the one to be messed with, but still hunters, werewolfs, Fairies, witches, the list just goes on and on, anyways they all want to try and defeat my kingdom but failed and for centuries now everyone just hates eachother.

Drifted away from my thoughts when I herd a childs voice.

"Hi I am molly." The small little girl looked at me, her eyes held curiousity, and happiness.

"Hi molly, I am Xander." I said and gave her a small smile.

"Wanna play Xander?!" She said jumping up and down. I held the temptation of hugging her and wanting to take her home with me.

Ah yes home! What a warm fuzzy feeling that word gives me, ha! But I'm imortal, I'm cold and ruthless. So scratch that, cold and fuzzy feeling. Oh wait! I don't feel anything... you could say the word home makes me feel normal.

"I rather not darling, I was just about to leave." I said giving her a smile and quickly stood up and turned around not wanting to see her pout.

I always held a soft spot for kids, but you already knew that, now.

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