A Prologue- Mind the Forth Wall

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I am Alina Rosewood, and this is the story of how I died.

Well, no, of course this isn't the story of how I died, it's written in first person. I mean, I come close to death multiple times, but, sense this is in first person, you know that I'm going to live.

Maybe I shouldn't be so open with my foreshadowing.

Nevertheless, this is a prologue, an introduction, a beginning, or whatever you with to call this chapter. By all means, you are aloud to to skip ahead, that is, if I've written further than this. This will only be the chapter in which I tell you about myself, the setting, and, very briefly, the plot.

For those of you who stayed, this will be the only chapter that i describe myself in great detail. That way, you will actually be able to get through the story without reading five paragraphs a chapter about how, 'My chestnut hair glistened in the sun as I ran through the blooming meadows..." blah, blah, you get the point.

My name is Alina Rosewood, I have brown hair rising just above my waist, icy blue eyes, one of those cute button noses in the middle of my face, average breast size, and a small frame. Gotta love all of that detail, huh?

You can decide whether I'm attractive or not, doesn't matter much to me.

Next, as promised, the setting. All I can say is that the story starts in good ol' Texas, land of the free, home of the brave. Sarcasm. Texas is nothing but dry, hot weather and non-air conditioned churches. 

Now for the plot. From this point on, I promise I will try to be as serious as possible.

A few months back, they started taking people. Aged between five years old to eighteen. They would take them in the middle of the night and no one knew where they went, and they all kept quiet about it. They didn't come back, they just left without a trace, gone.

I don't know about you, but it all sounds pretty republican to me.


That was uncalled for. 

Excuse me as I rebuild the forth wall.

A/N: Sorry, this is the first story I've ever published, and I would really appreciate your feed back, positive or negative. Also, this will be the only chapter like this for awhile, I feel like I need to set up the character before she goes right back to talking to you. 

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