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"Shit ! I'm late." Chanel said as she woke up to the blaring beeps of her alarm clock. Chanel was what most men considered "beautiful" long curly hair , light skin , dressed nice but at the moment she was also broke , and she was about to be late for a job interview that could be a once in a lifetime opportunity .
She threw on a white button down shirt , light blue jeans , Toms , and a gold chain to top it all off. She was going for a dressy casual look.
She ran to the subway station , which was only two blocks away from her house . " Thank God , just in time. " She hopped on subway number seven. As she walked in she saw a boy who caught her eye , he didn't look like everyone else on the Subway , or even the city. He wasn't cute that's for sure , his nose was large, his jaw seem uneven , and his hight top fade had dreads growing from the top , which I think was on purpose , but there was something about him . I just didn't know what it was yet.
I was curious to know more about him , he was intriguing . So I sat next to him , and acted like I was paying him no mind but lord knows I was dying for him to talk to me. A conversation , a hello , something. I guess my prayers were answered because after a few minutes he just look at me and smiled. " May I help you ?" I couldn't help but have a huge grin on my face . He finally replied " I can tell you feeling me ," he started laughing "Um , what exactly are you talking about ?" His confidence made me uncomfortable, " No need to lie , I'm Javaugn , but you can call me Joey , Joey Bada$$." The name sounded familiar . " Wait , the rapper ? What the hell you doing on a subway" His face went straight " Yea I got a little money in pocket , but I ain't never gone forget we're I came from. I was raised here , took the subway everyday of my life . Why stop now ?" It was like his ego was huge but yet he was so humble . My stop was coming up . I stood up and he handing me something and said " Keep this." I smiled and got off. I unwrapped the slip of paper , it was his number.

So this is my first story EVER.

Tell me how I did , anything you liked or that I can make better . 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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