
16 2 2

"Chia!" Kylie, calls me from across the halls. "You ready for the school year?" she asks once she's close enough.

Before I answer, I quickly look down at my hands, containing a book of calculus. I'm so not ready for the school year. I sigh deeply before answering "Kind of".

"It's a new school, new people, and new boys" she shoots me a wink before flashing me her dimpled smile.

"We better get going to class" I say while throwing my bag over my shoulder, grabbing her wrist, and guiding her through the squirm of students.

Once we enter our classroom, we quickly spot all the empty seats that are available.

"There!" Kylie screams, pointing to two empty seats next to a brown haired boy, hanging his head low.

We make our way towards the boy, he slowly lifts his head up, taking a glimpse of our presence before he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Welcome to calculus. I'm your professor for the semester. My name is Ms. Dust but you can call me by my first name, Ella".

Soon enough, miss Ella started, calling out everyone's name who was supposed to show up today.

"Chiara Harrington" the teacher calls out, making me shoot my head up and raise my hand up in the air. I can feel the eyes of many strangers on me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the guy on my left, the curly haired one. He squirms in his seat before sitting back straight, turning his attention to the front of the class.

"Why is that guy always looking at you?" Kylie leans in to whisper in my ear. I lift my shoulders up and stick my bottom lip out, as a way to let her know that I in fact, don't know.

"Harry Styles" the teacher says, turning my attention to the guy raising his hand up, the boy on my left.

"Here" he says, his words twisted with a hint of a British accent. He quickly looks right, looking at me, a little smirk planted on his face. His smirk makes my cheeks heat up in a matter of seconds. I turn around and look at Kylie who's already giving me a knowing smile. I flip her off by playfully rolling my eyes at her.

Most of the period goes by just like this, me turning to my left, only to find Harry staring at me, whilst our teacher calls out names.

"What's up with the creepy staring?" Kylie stands up next to me. "You ready to go?" she asks, before she gives me a chance to answer.

Without responding I stand up from my seat, grabbing my books, only to be knocked over by a tall figure.

"Sorry I didn't see y-"

"It's okay, I should've seen you there" a British accent says.

We both kneel down to grab the books, while Harry stretches his arm.

"I'm Harry" he says while staring at me from under his eyelashes.

"Chiara. But you can call me Chia" I stare into his emerald green eyes. Didn't take long to make a new friend at this school did it?

"See you around then Chia." he stands up, offering a hand to help me out. I gladly grab a hold of it, pushing myself off the ground.

"Yeah" I reply to him once I see him exiting the classroom.

Author's Note:

Hey again :)

I don't really know what I'm doing to be honest, but I thought about the plot of the story during math class, so enjoy :))

I'll try to update often, & yeah, I know this chapter is hella small but the chapters will grow bigger soon x
my description sucks ass btw soz
Enjoy reading x

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