Chapter 1

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The rain fell softly onto her face as she stared into the grey sky. 

"Why has it been raining so much lately?" The voices of other towns people carried over to her ears and she wished she could ignore them.

"I don't know but it is really starting to bum me out. It ruined all of our plans." Juvia grit her teeth, her hands balling into fists at her side. 

Juvia is the rain woman again.  

Her heart hurt, Gray's words echoing in her mind. 

Flash black

"I am sorry Juvia. I don't feel the same." Juvia stared at him, trying to find any signs of lying in his dark orbs.

He just looked away from her, refusing to meet her eyes.

In her state of pain, she could only conclude that he couldn't stand to look at her. He really did not love her at all.

She smiled slightly, trying to stay optimistic.

"Gray-sama has to feel something for Juvia, right?" He didn't say anything, her smile faltering. "R-Right?" Her voice broke but she held back her tears.

"I'm sorry." He turned, beginning to walk away.

"Why?" It was just a small broken whisper, but Gray heard it. He took a moment to  answer.

"Because I can't love you Juvia." That was it. The tears spilled over and Juvia turned, running away.

An hour later, the rain started.

Juvia hadn't gone back since. She just sat in the rain.

Her rain. 

Juvia knew that her rain would never leave her again. She would forever be the rain woman. 

The one person who had taken away her curse, who helped her see the light, didn't and couldn't love her. 

Juvia once thought it was the rain that made her so unlovable, so hated, but she was wrong.

It was just Juvia.

No matter what she did to be a better person, to be good, she was hated. 

Maybe it was her punishment for all the bad she had done in her life.

Whatever it was, it all centered around her. 

"Is Juvia ugly?" She whispered to herself. "Is she a terrible person?" She just could not understand. 

She fell to her knees, the water splashing around her.

The rain was coming down hard, but Juvia did not care. 

This was where she belonged. Forever in the rain. 

This was her punishment.


Gray sat at the bar of the guild, staring at a full cup of water. He wasn't aware of anything going on around him, his mind lost in thought. 

Juvia's pained face flashed inside his mind, making his hand tighten around the glass. 

He had to do it. He had to reject her. 

For her. 

"Gray?" Brought from his thoughts, he looked up at Lucy. She was looking at him with worry.

"Do you know where Juvia is?" He grit his teeth.

"No. Why would I?" His tone was tight with anger, making Lucy's eyes widen slightly in realization.

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