Part 1

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I was starting a new school. In Indiana. I'm from New York where you can't even step outside without the chance of getting robbed. But in Indiana, I hear it's all cornfields and farms. Hopefully it's not, but then again i've always wanted to live on a ranch thing. I'm not the richest person, it's just me, my mom, and my dog Neko. I've been up all night thinking about the 15 hour flight. I'm terrified of what it's gonna be like. I'm 16 so i'm starting high school. Sophomore year, in the middle of the school year. Thanks mom.

It's currently 4 AM and our flight is at 6 AM. Everything is already there. Mom wont tell me what our new house looks like, so I hope it's good.

"Pay it's time to wake up." my mom knocked on the door. She walked into my room, with tears in her eyes. She's lived in this house since she was a little girl. Grandma Nicki died here.

"mom, why are we moving far away?" i asked

"because sweetheart, they gave me a better job there. But that means I have to work longer hours so I wont be home all the time." She looked like she was about to cry.

"but hurry up we dont want to miss our flight."

"ok mom'

I packed up what i had left which was my laptop and my phone in my backpack. I was wearing some black leggings with a gray sweatshirt with some dirty converses. I honsetly didnt give a single fuck. My hair was in the messiest bun ever, and I had my glasses on.


As I took my seat by the window. I texted my bestfriend and told her i'll facetime her when i get there. I put my headphones in and the first song that played was Let It Go by James Bay ( i love that song rn).


I woke up and saw the most beautiful sun rise ever, you cant really see them in new york. Too many lights. I instantly took a picture on Snapchat and sent it to Kristina ( best friend).

We landed and took a taxi to our new house. Mom hasnt said a single word to me the entire time. As we got there it was so beautiful, I loved it.


Thats all for tonight, hope you enjoyed Goodnight

Love at first sight.....(Not a fanfic, just fiction)Where stories live. Discover now