The move

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So today I finally move to my new school. It has been about 2 months since I have been in school since... Well I nearly died. It was no ones fault well except mine for being an idiot again, falling into a pool and drowning not my greatest move but you know. I'm hoping that I can make a fresh start though with no one that knows me and what's happened in my past, yet again it was all over the news but I have had a complete make over. I have grown my hair and gotten extensions put in also I made a bold choice a dyed it blonde and purple. I have gotten my eyebrows done and my mom got me a whole new set of makeup. But by doing all this I feel so much more comfortable in my own body.

I got up today as usual and went to the bathroom to get clean and do my hair and makeup. I picked out a cute little black skirt and white crop top and walked downstairs. My bus left at nine so I had half an hour to get breakfast and check my Instagram. Mom had already hone to work and well i don't know where my dad is as he walked out on my family been I was 1. But me and my mom have gotten through the hard times and have got a new life right in front of us ( well if I don't mess it up this time). I grab my bag and head towards the bus stop  trying not to draw attention to myself. When I get their I get out my phone and start texting my friend who is now on the other side of the world I don't know if she even gets messages over there but I send a message just in case she does.

Time goes by and every couple minutes one other person will get to the bus stop and get on there phone. I was going to try and make conversation but they were to emerged in the world of social media. So I just sat there awkwardly waiting for the bus and wishing time would hurry up. All I'm thinking is don't mess up today, don't mess up today. All I want is not to be the school clown AGAIN I have been that for so many years now I just want to have a life. When the bus finally arrives after ten minutes of painful waiting I get on to see people throwing paper at each other I walk towards the back trying to find a seat and to not get hit by one of the paper balls flying across form both sides.

I reach the back and see two empty chairs right next to each other I raced towards them hoping no one would sit there before I could. But as soon as i sag down I felt so relieved to not be the centre of attention  but instead I tried to blend in with everyone so I got out my phone and started play candy crush. Soon after the bus started moving again and I reached school within five minutes. I stepped off the fluorescent yellow bus and began walking toward the tall black gates around my jail looking school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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