The climb

4 0 0

Tris PoV

Me and tobias run towards the wall, we don't have much time. Troops are after us and if we don't hurry up we will be shot on the spot. We shoot our rope up to the top of the wall, providing us with support for our Big climb ahead, we attach the end of our ropes to our body harnesses, but as soon as we start to climb, we hear shooting coming from afar.

Four looks in my direction, we can tell that we are both thinking the same thing. We quickly run towards the vehicle we arrived in, meanwhile three vans shooting in our direction.

I stick a bomb onto our truck, and start running back to the wall, four not far behind me. When we get back to the wall, the trucks are not far from ours. Perfect. Four scoops me in his arms and starts climbing while I watch the trucks arriving into the perfect spot for our plan to work. They park within the area of our truck, and just as they are about to load their guns, I press the button to activate the bomb I placed on our truck. BANG. The truck explodes, taking the other three with it.

I wrap my arms around my boyfriends neck, we are nearly at the top now. I am really nervous, nobody has been beyond the wall in 2000 years. Anything could be there! But I know that we will win up against anything that gets in our way. As long as I'm with four, anything is possible.

We reach the top of the wall, four firstly helps me up, and then drags himself to the surface. I stand up and brush my self off. My eyes meet fours, I can see he is nervous too. We are both scared, yet we are both ready to face whatever challenges us. He takes my hand in his.
'You ready?' He asks, his voice dry and husky due to breath loss from the journey up.
I smile, 'more than I'll ever be' I reply. He smiles back and gives my hand a small squeeze, and we both turn to see the land beyond the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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