The Fallen's Dance

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One Two Three
It all begins.
His hypnotic song that makes me play along.
Everything seems like a dream. None of anything of what I'm seeing would make sense if it wasn't. It must be a dream.
I dance along to the words he sings.
What might this dance be?
A waltz of madness?
He was a fallen angel. Cast out of heaven for sinning. I do not know what sin he may have committed, but right now, do I care?
One Two Three
I would probably be trying to run from him like I tried to escape Mage, but... It's like I'm dreaming.
He dreams of destruction.
Now it's like I dream the same.
The song and dance must be effecting me, but I dance on to the Fallen's song.
I do have some voices telling me to go. Saying "Ritsuka! Don't be pulled in."
Too late.
One Two Three
Those words repeat in my mind as we go along.
His messy purple hair covering more parts of his face was we danced.
I like his hair.
Is that weird to say?
Of course.
He took me to a strange place and made me dance along with him in this dreamy world.
I can't help but to think that.

The dancing ends.
Even though the dancing stopped, it's like the dreamy state continues.
He's holding me close. I feel his breathing.
Should I push away? That's probably the wisest thing, but I don't want to.
Couldn't even if I wanted.
He had a firm hold on me, not letting me go.
"Ritsuka. Won't you be mine and only mine? Stay with me here forever in this labyrinth?" He asked softly into my ear.
I look into those eyes.
Those orange eyes he has.
It's like they're ripping their way into my soul.
"If I refuse?" I reply softly.
"I'll kill you." He some what chuckled. "I won't let you run away. You're special. Not just because you have clues to the grimoire. Having you near makes my chest ache and tingle."
Was this some sort of love confession? It must be cause my heart begins to pound more and more, but threatening a girl isn't really the best means of confessing...
"So what's your answer, Ritsuka?"
I finally push myself away from him, completely lifting the dreamy state.
  "I will not. You may have looks, but threatening me was completely unnecessary!"
Shiki just stared.
And then he started laughing.
"You really are special, Ritsuka."
"May I ask what you're laughing about, Shiki?"
He smiled and pulled me close to him.
"Because. I know you're the one. The one to be my bride."
I blinked at these words, but when my eyes reopened, everything was gone, even him except one black feather.
I was just sitting in the school yard.
I look at the feather and picked it up. I pressed it to my lip and thought.
"He's probably right about that. I won't admit it until I'm sure, but I'm still hypnotized by the Fallen's dance."
I pick myself up and start to head home. Is it even time to go home yet? I don't know. I deserve a nap and my favorite cream puffs... And I need to think about my choices in men... He appears in my mind.
"I'll dance with you again soon... Maybe."


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