My Street Meet The Few... More like Garroth breaking doors down...

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Hey Guys! LS22 here and I absolutely love these characters and people and I own none sadly and I full out ship Aarmau as they are rossum! Now, Let's get on with the story!!!!!!!

Shawn's POV (She is my oc)

"S-Shawn, can you please come over to my place with Castor?" Aphmau asked over the phone. Me and my half brother Castor live 5 houses down from Aph. There is one thing that Cast, Aph and I have in common. We're superheroes. Aphmau or, Lady Thor or Jess is the daughter of Thor, Castor is the son of Hawkeye and I'm the daughter of Superman. I tell Aph sure and I go to grab Cast when I see him and a girl with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes yelling at each other.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT KALA!?!?!?" Castor yelled. Wait, Kala?!
"I WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOUR SISTER IS SO I CAN F**KING YELL AT HER YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHI, "Kala started but was cut off by Travis." Hey gurl! What's your name pretty lady?" Kala looked confused. I ran through the shortcut to Aphmau's place and went to tell her.
"APHMAU!!!!!! TRAVIS IS ABOUT TO HIT ON KALA!!!!!! COME WATCH!!!!!" I yelled. She poked her head out her door.
"We climb a tree to watch." She stated. We made it to the top right when Kala transmitted the Travis Flirt into her brain and attacked him. I snapped a pic.
"That's going in the scrapbook." I whispered to my black haired friend. I then wispered into her ear and she got the message. I started to count down with my fingers. 1. 2. 3. "TRAVLA IS REAL!!!!!" we yelled and I laughed as Kala looked around for us. I jumped out the tree and on Kala and scared her. Then we got Kala, Cast, Travis, Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Aaron and the girls who live with Aph into Castor and mine's house.
"Who are you?" Garroth asked pointing at Kala.

I wanted to end the chapter here...

He rolled his eyes.
"This is Kala, daughter of Wolverine. I am Castor's half sister Shawn if you don't know me, and I am the daughter of Superman, Castor is the son of The Flash and Aphmau here is Lady Thor. Any questions?" I say. Garroth raised his hand. I rolled my eyes and said, "What Garroth?"
"Can we have a breaking down doors comp?" He cheekly said. I grinned of course Garroth. I was going to be an ass and be all one punch man but I sadly could enter the contest. What they didn't realize is I have my suit underneath my clothes...

Hey kitties! If you enjoyed this chapter, comment and like this book!!!!!!

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