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Where a dream is impossible to be dreamt,
Where love is not, as real as the flesh,
Where hate dissolves, into eternal nothingness,
Where solitude is salvation,
Is where, I'll rest my bones.

The sun was shrouded in a blanket of smoke, cold stung the bones hard, the beings violated all moral and ethical codes and the heart of Catholia, Deswein was pandemonium stricken. The spirit maiden spun around, she swung her sapphire hilted sword which reflected barely enough light to illuminate her slender, striking, bloodied self (spirits do not bleed), to strike off the exorcist's head, awarding one of her multiple opponents, a quick death.
The enemies concentrically surrounded her, but that only pumped up her war lust which demanded more and more, there seemed no end to it. Countless killings.
A new batch of exorcist got placed at the disaster site. Most of them seemed to specialize in spells as they strategically, defeated each Dierendon ahead of them by synchronizing their spells to give a final blow. However one of them, relatively young, who lacked any experience in the front lines or in actual combat, tried desperately to make his first kill worth remembrance. He did not, however planned to sleep anytime soon. A boy not more than 15 years of experiencing life, fought with two howitzers at hand for long range combat and dual sword skill, the elegant blades rested on his back in a crossed fashion. He drew out one of them and began the short range, close combat. The exorcism prodigy.

The spirit maiden, remained immersed in ferocious battle, until the unexpected happened. The spirit was one in a hundred billion years, who possessed the control over fire and ice, the crimson eyes of excitement, two hearts and a chamber of unknown abilities. The spirit maiden was consumed in her war and it happened. She opened her arms wide, to cast a fire magic
"The rage from Inferno, a bottomless pit, eradicate what lies before! I call for thee. Hence, COME FORTH ! "

Her energy wavered, the eyes glowed bright crimson in the dark and her hair, raven black, which had always remained settled till her waist, were wild and turned silver as everyone gasped in awe and horror of the action. The flames erupted from under the earth around her, tainted black. A huge vortex took shape above her and continued to expand at a faster pace, dark flames and red hue mixed with the crystal ice which seemed invincible.
Hearts thumped violently in pure dread. People started to back off. The prodigy broke into fits of anger, hate, horror and dread but somehow managed to recollect himself. And watched.
The hornblende vortex which had formed, seemed to grow at an alarming rate, which was clearly out of the spirit's control now. It threatened to destroy mankind.

The younger exorcists were made to leave Deswain along with the civilians, but it was too late now, wasn't it ?
Dark Fall, in the mean time made it to Deswain's site of the holocaust. The one eyed magician immediately went to the spirit maiden's rescue. She had lost all sense of control, baffled by the immense energy within herself, before hitting the ground two arms managed to catch hold of her and flee.

With each passing second they got farther away from the vicinity of the death vortex.

Responsible shoulders did not leave the ground. The exorcists had to nullify the vortex, which otherwise would lead to God knows what. The sight was horrendous enough, to imagine the aftereffects was beyond.

The exorcists who specialized in spells and the rest began creating barriers. One after the other to minimize damage to whatever minimum extent was possible. They very well knew that they were on a suicide mission. But still, the hope doesn't seem to have an end to it, does it ?
When all seems lost, hope guides us, however small it may be.

"David ? Listening to me ?"
A desperate, defeated voice spoke, snapping out,the prodigy from his thoughts.
"Father ?!" He reached out "your energy, it's depleting at an alarming rate ! "

He sighed, maybe it was his time to go, sleep. " go home, kid. I'll save the day. Tell your mom, how I fought brave." He gave a pained last smile before focusing back on the barriers.

David was pulled away from his father and sent to safety with the last retreating party.

I'll protect you.

Amidst the chaos, a few masked people were sighted, at different locations not far from each other, dressed in black tuxedos observing the holocaust from afar. Who were they ?
Then they disappeared, all at once.

As for the vortex, what happened, was for the worse. The maiden survived, had it not been for the ruler of Dierenda.

A new year gift, was what it was. "Lost Melancholy".

Lost in the shadows, all of us ultimately dream of eternal bliss, if it exists that is.
But the fact is, light shines radiant only in the presence of dark, hate shatters only with the bonds of love, truth is valued only because lies are despised...

And eternal bliss becomes reality only when sorrows are accepted.

Until then, it remains a dream.

Author's note
Criticism, compliments, any suggestions.. All are appreciated.
Happy Reading.
Chapter 1
Is coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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